GUNDAM ASSEMBLE: New Gundam Tabletop Miniatures Games

We’ve gone full circle because Bandai has announced a new tabletop miniatures game with Gundam. It’s GUNPLA time!
Oh boy. 2025 is going to be an interesting one. There’s a new tabletop miniatures game on the way from the model makers of the Mobile Suit Gundam series. GUNDAM ASSEMBLE has been teased…
via GundamInfo (Youtube description)
GUNDAM ASSEMBLE is a tabletop game that uses approximately 5 cm-sized Gunpla to battles. Each unit has abilities that reflect their unique characteristics, allowing players to enjoy scenarios that follow the original story, or diverge into situations that transcend the world of Mobile Suit Gundam series; thus providing both a sense of recreation and distinct battles. Detailed rules and product specifications will be announced later.
Gundam Assemble
So far the details are relatively light. We can see the miniatures are roughly 5 cm-sized/2″ sized Gunpla and they are on hexes. The game itself also looks like it takes place on a hex board as well. We can also see a D10 on the board, so I think it’s a safe bet that’s what we’re going to be rolling.
Additionally, there’s some more pictures from their official Facebook Page:
This second batch of images is from a display case from the Bandai Card Games Fest 24-25 World Tour in Orlando. There appears to be a bit more going on with this display:
The center looks like a larger scale Gunpla Display. This makes me curious to know if the rules would “scale” up to standard Gunpla size…which would be amazing.
Here’s what appears to be more of a diorama using the Gundam Assemble miniatures on a display board battle ground.
And here’s a quick look at some more miniatures on a hex grid along with more sprues. Notice the dice are D6s in this image, too.
Color me curious for this game! Gunpla in general has some amazing kits. Not to mention the price point is …let’s say attractive. I think this one is really going to come down to the ruleset and if the game play is fun. Then again the sales pitch seems to be “skirmish games with Gundam” and you’ve already got the attention of everyone who watched Toonami as a kid.
We’ll be watching this one…