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Horus Heresy: Arcuitor Magisterium Is Coming To Hunt Tech-heretics

2 Minute Read
Jan 30 2025

The zealous worshipers of the Machine God are coming for the Tech-heretics. It’s time to meet the Arcuitor Magisterium.

I didn’t think the Mechanicum had any “Free Agents” so to speak. However, the Arcuitor Magisterium is here to show us what happens when you are an ancient and devoted member of the Machine Cult. Apparently, you get hunt down and judge those engaged in Tech-heresy!

via Warhammer Community

Magi and high nobles of the Cult Mechanicum who demonstrate a particularly inflexible approach to the dogma of the Omnissiah are most likely to be elevated to the status of Arcuitor. These individuals tend to be ancient beyond belief, augmented to the point of inhumanity as part of their never-ending quest to become as close to the perfect Machine God they worship.

Arcuitor Magisterium

The Arcuitor Magisterium fall into a strange space. They aren’t deployed by the Prefectgure Magisterium in any sort of “official capacity.” However, because of other factors, they still have quite a bit of sway within the Cult Mechanicum. This affords them access to a vast array of resources to tap into. It even allows them to go on their own personal crusades — should such tech-heresy warrant one.

Now, because of their status, they often are accompanied by a scribe to aid them. It makes sense! Someone needs to keep track of all their deeds and duties. Probably for posterity. I’m sure that 10,000 years later their deeds will be remembered by the galaxy and their legends will only grow…

Jokes aside, I do like this miniature. It does have a certain flair to it. The Arcuitor Magisterium comes across as mix between the Mechanicum and a Rogue Trader. That seems like the correct description based on their origins combined with their autonomy to act and their access to resources.


The Arcuitor Magisterium coming in Forge World resin and their rules can be found in the Liber Mechanicum – Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book. It’s also worth noting she can bring along a Maniple of Arlatax Battle-automata or Vorax Battle-automata to the tabletop — and they won’t take up a Force Org slot!


That’s Heresy, Patrick!


Author: Adam Harrison
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