Horus Heresy: ‘Loyalist Herald Consul’ Revealed

The Horus Heresy is getting their banners in order. Say hello to the new Loyalist Herald Consul coming to the battlefield!
When you need to rally the troops and inspire them to fight the Legion Standard is a point of pride for Space Marines. To be the one that carries the Legion Standard into battle is a great honor — and responsibility. That’s where the new Loyalist Herald Consuls come in.
“Legion Standards were a common sight on battlefields, rallying flags from military traditions of old remaining just as relevant in the 31st Millennium, a symbol of the cause they fought for as shells and beams crisscrossed the skies. The honour of carrying these aloft most often fell to the Herald Consuls.”
Loyalist Herald Consul
This miniature is clearly a veteran of many battles. Not only is he carrying the pride of the chapter to war, he’s also got the scars to show his status. That bionic leg is a tell-tale sign that he’s seen worse! He’s also packing a punch — quite literally. That power fist means business!
Having said all that, the Loyalist Herald Consul is also Loyalist Legion agnostic. You could paint him up for any Legion. You’d just need to get creative with some of the decals and freehand work. The folks behind miniature worked-up three other examples to show off:
From what I can tell the iconography is generic enough that it shouldn’t get in the way of your paintjob. Again, I think with the right decals and patience this Loyalist Herald Consul would slot right into anyone’s loyalist Horus Heresy-era army. I wonder if the traitors are going to get one too…(hint: they will. Check in next week.)
The Loyalist Herald Consul is cast in Forge World resin and will be released later this year. That does make me wonder if you could use a different right arm option for this miniature. It also makes me wonder if you could swap out the entire miniature and just use the left arm holding the Legion Standard.
I always thought the Legion Standard would be larger…