Horus Heresy: Traitor Legion ‘Overseer’

The Traitor Legions are getting a new miniature to lead their troops to greater depths of heresy. Meet the new Traitor Legion Overseer!
The Horus Heresy is alive and well in 2025. Games Workshop has showcased a new miniature coming to the range and it’s for the Traitor side of the house. Then again, are they only considered Traitors because they lost? …Moving on. Let’s check out the mini!
“Once a Space Marine of the Legiones Astartes reaches the rank of Centurion, they are given specialist responsibilities and perhaps a fancy new title. Overseers are placed in charge of the legion’s unaugmented human allies, and their ability to factor Solar Auxilia and Imperialis Militias into Space Marine battle plans became increasingly vital as casualties mounted during the Horus Heresy.”
Traitor Legion Overseer
That’s right, folks. This Overseer is in charge of all the Traitor Solar Auxilia and Imerperialis Militia that will be meat shields cannon fodder strategic assets during their heresy-era battles.
That mask is downright daemonic looking. I know the paint job says “Sons of Horus” but I’m getting some Night Lords vibes. Also take note of the whip this character is packing. It’s not just for keeping those “rowdy cohorts of traitor soldiers” in line.
I also like the extra skulls and chains. It’s not as gawdy or over-the-top as some of the other chaos marine stuff is post-heresy. But it still manages to get the point across.
If you’re wondering where the rules for this miniature are look no further than The Battle for Beta-Garmon. Inside you’ll find all goodies to use this Traitor Legion Overseer in your army along with the Solar Auxilia/Militia that joins them. It’s a great way to represent a combined arms force from the Horus Heresy era.
Just watch out for meat shield formation…