Marvel: Crisis Protocol – AMG Teases ‘The Cosmic Side’ Is Coming

It looks like we’re about to head to space when it comes to Marvel: Crisis Protocol. The Cosmos is coming in 2025.
Atomic Mass Games posted some not-so cryptic images recently. It sure seems like we’re about to go a pretty big trip around the Marvel universe in MCP for 2025. Let’s take a closer look at these images together.
via Atomic Mass Games (Facebook)
“The Cosmic side of the Marvel universe is coming! Prepare for the next adventure in Marvel: Crisis Protocol.”
Marvel: Crisis Protocol Goes Cosmic
We’re going to tackle these in order. Starting off we’ve got this image with Gladiator front-and-center:
To start, we already know Gladiator is on the way. He’s bringing the new 2025 Crisis Cards and a new miniature that I’m quite excited for:
Now, as for who else is on the image…well, those are members of the Imperial Guard. I’m talking about Marvel’s version, not the Grimdark here. You can look them up for yourself, but I think I’ve managed to identify them all.
- Smasher (top left)
- Astra (middle left)
- Titan (bottom left)
- Fang II/III (top right)
- Manta – (middle right)
- Oracle (bottom right)
There’s also a random fist on the left side — but we only get a snippet of them. There’s also a random elbow on the right side, too. So that’s at least two more member of the Imperial Guard.
I’m not sure if AMG is just teasing us with the art for a Team Tactic Card here or what. But I do hope we get a brand new Affiliation for the Shi’ar Empire: Imperial Guard! That would be awesome.
Next up, we get a look at a art piece we’ve seen used before as a Team Tactic Card. It’s got Cosmic Ghost Rider, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon in the image. However, it’s also teasing one of the characters known as Quasar. Or more accurately, it’s Phyla-Vell during her run as Quasar. Hopefully this is also a cool teaser for things to come.
Here we have an older art piece featuring Ronin, Drax, Gamora, and Nebula. Personally, I hope this is a teaser to either a new Affiliation box or perhaps a tease that the Guardians of the Galaxy are going to get a rules refresh/update. Or maybe new/alternate versions of these characters.
This is another art piece featuring some Inhumans duking it out with (I think) Kree soldiers. The top left is Triton, on the right is Gorgon, and then we have Karnak on the bottom left. Karnak had a bit of a costume change for …reasons. Anyhow, we know the Inhumas are getting a new box in 2025 as well.
Two of the three characters from the art are in the new box, so…that’s kind of a gimme.
Road Map Reminder
Just as an aside, here’s the Road Map that was revealed at the Ministravaganza. Also as a reminder this is a non-exhaustive list. There’s likely some surprises AMG is holding close to the chest. And I’m here for that! It’s a good time to be a fan of MCP.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol is about to get Cosmic. Gee…I wonder who else they could bring in.