This Week’s Warhammer 40K Products & Pricing CONFIRMED – Aeldari Arrive!

We return to the Grimdark with a new set of ancient, reborn Aeldari. Take a look at these prices.
This week GW is bringing out the new goodies for the Craftworlders, with the brand new set of plastic kits for the Aeldari, including some long lost Phoenix Lords! Here’s the latest goodies:
GW says all of these kits go up for preorder on January 25, and have a street date of February 8.
Codex: Aeldari $60 €47.50 £36
“The race might be ancient, but the Codex is cutting edge – the Aeldari arrive in full force with a 192-page Codex that covers their tragic history and enduring legend. Eight Detachments delineate the many forms of warfare the Aeldari undertake, including Harlequin and Ynnari armies. There are pages of gorgeous miniature photography to display the full Aeldari warhost, as well as Combat Patrol and Crusade rules, and datasheets for every unit.
Those who have chosen to dedicate themselves to the Path of the Aeldari can opt for a collector’s edition of the Codex, which has unique cover art, teal foil page edges, and a black ribbon bookmark. This is only available while stocks last.”
Aeldari Dice $33.50 €24 £19
Aeldari Datasheet Cards $35 €26 £22
“Don’t rely on the fickle skeins of fate to guide your hand in battle when there’s a pack of 71 quick reference cards to cover your primary army rule, datasheets, and Combat Patrol. They may not be made out of wraithbone but these gem-effect orange dice with black pips are every bit the perfect battlefield accessory, featuring the faction icon on the six face. “
Lhykhis, the Whispering Web $45 €35 £28
“Appearing as if from nowhere to unleash a storm of shredding monofilament, Lhykhis embodies Khaine’s willingness to risk all to defeat the enemies of the Aeldari. She can jump across the hellish realm of the Warp with a speed and precision beyond even the most skilled exarchs, appearing unbidden to aid her fellow Aeldari, armed with the Brood Twain, a pair of carapace-bound death spinners, and the Spider’s Fangs, dual monofilament injectors akin to the feared Harlequins kiss. “
Warp Spiders $62.50 €51.25 £40
“Like their Phoenix Lord, Warp Spiders use their jump generators to traverse the immaterium to strike without warning. Their death spinners slice foes apart even as they struggle desperately to escape the constricting webbing. This new plastic kit contains optional helmetless heads, and a full complement of Exarch options, including a death spinner, a spinneret rifle and death weavers, dual death weavers and powerblades, and a quad powerblade array. It also comes with an Aspect Warrior shrine statue, and an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.”
Baharroth, Cry of the Wind $45 €35 £28
“Baharroth is as savage as the storm itself, wielding the Fury of the Tempest to pick off enemies from afar before swooping into battle to tear through enemies like a hurricane with the Shining Blade. His appearance on the battlefield is said to signal an imminent victory no matter the odds, and he is seen as a source of inspiration to all Asuryani. “
Swooping Hawks $62.50 €51.25 £40
“Soaring high above battle with speed and agility reminiscent of Faolchú the Great Falcon, Swooping Hawks are aerial daredevils who harry their foes with lasblaster salvoes and use back-mounted grenade packs to disperse infantry formations and critically damage vehicles alike. Much like their Phoenix Lord, the sight of them soaring through the air is a morale booster to ground forces. This new plastic kit contains optional helmetless heads, and a full complement of Exarch options, including a sunpistol and power sword, a Hawk’s Talon, an Exarch’s lasblaster and a scatter laser. It also comes with an Aspect Warrior shrine statue, and an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.”
Fuegan, the Burning Lance $45 €35 £28
“The Phoenix Lord Fuegan is the progenitor of the Fire Dragons, battling at close range with his firepike Searsong and the Fire Axe, a melee weapon forged during the Fall of the Aeldari. He’s also the one who will convene his comrades at Rhana Dandra. He trains his disciples to channel the fury and flame of the Dragon with pinpoint accuracy. “
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Fire Dragons $62.50 €51.25 £40
“In contrast to the raging fury of their weapons, Fire Dragons spend much of their time in training, hardening their body, mind and soul through complex contemplative rituals and strict martial drills. In battle, they are unshakeable as they face down armoured titans many times their size, felling them with precision shots from their Dragon fusion guns, before striding forward in heavy armour to the next target without pause. This new plastic kit contains optional helmetless heads, and a full complement of Exarch options, including a Dragon fusion gun, a Dragon axe and Dragon fusion pistol combo, a Dragon’s breath flamer, and a firepike. It also comes with an Aspect Warrior shrine statue, and an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.”
Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan $45 €35 £28
“The first and eldest of all the Phoenix Lords, Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan is a survivor of the Fall, and founder of the Aspect shrines, personally training the first Aspect Warriors. He went on to found more shrines than any other Phoenix Lord, making the Dire Avengers the most numerous of all the Aspects. Armed with the Bloody Twins, wrist-mounted shuriken catapults, and the first diresword ever forged, Asurmen displays razorshop tactical acumen and peerless combat prowess.”
Phoenix Lords – ASSEMBLE!