This Week’s Warhammer 40K Products & Pricing CONFIRMED – Death Korps Arrive!

We return to the Grimdark with a new Death Korps of Krieg starter set, plus a who lot of dead heads for your bases! Take a look at these prices.
This week GW is bringing out the new goodies for Warhammer 40K, with the brand new Death Korps of Kreig set, including the new Astra Militarum codex. Here’s the latest goodies:
GW says all of these kits go up for preorder on January 11, and have a street date of January 25.
Death Korps of Krieg Army Set $230 €180 £145
“The soldiers and citizens of Krieg know only the brutal and unrelenting reality of war, devoting themselves wholly to an endless battle of attrition with unwavering stoicism. You can get a taste of their indefatigable attitude with the Death Korp of Krieg Army set, which contains 18 new plastic Death Korps miniatures. Lord Marshal Dreir and his loyal Krieg steed have won innumerable victories. They’re ready once again to lead a charge of 10 Death Riders, supported by the heavy ordnance of an Artillery Team and a unit of Krieg Combat Engineers with a remote mine.
This set is also the first place you’ll be able to get Codex: Astra Militarum, a 168-page book featuring unique art for this release, and extensive background information and rules for bringing the hammer of the Emperor down in games of Warhammer 40,000. On top of that, there is a set of 68 cards which comprise your primary army rule, Combat Patrol datasheets, and 64 datasheets. You also get a Death Korps of Krieg transfer sheet with 803 decals.”
Battlefield Trophies $38 €31.50 £24
“Is it really a Warhammer battlefield if it isn’t scattered with the shattered remains of your enemies, and a pile of flesh-stripped skulls? We don’t think so, which is why the new Battlefield Trophies set is a banger – containing 288 components from broken servo-skulls, to sundered helmets from a dozen different factions, and all sorts of bits to litter your bases. There’s even half of a dead Space Marine for your fiercest champions, though whether you paint it as a Lieutenant is up to you.”
Every day is a good day to die in the Death Korps!