Warhammer 40K: A Primaris Lt. (and Old World Friend) Visits German “Sanguinala” Markets

Come and take a trip through a holiday wonderland a 40K Space Marine Primaris Lieutenant, and his Empire friend.
If you tuned in last time you know, how our story starts. In the hectic days of the Indomitus Crusade the safety of Holy Terra was utmost in Guilliman’s mind. To ensure its safety, he dispatched troops to inspect the fortifications. One such envoy was Primaris LT. Antonius aided by the trusty Guardsman Privit.
Upon arriving on Terra however, they found that due to a Warp Rift they’d be transported to the distant past of the world. Still, orders are orders, and they set out to make sure the defenses were in good shape. After touring Japan and seeing epic defenses, the pair hoped in a Warp Rift, hoping to end up home. Sadly for them, it simply took them across Old Terra to a new location.
For the last few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of traveling to Germany (and nearby) and seeing various castles and other sites, along with some Christmas Markets. As is my tradition, I also took along some minis to view the trip and photograph. I figured the most fitting model to take on my travels was a ubiquitous Primaris Lt., the model soon to make up 100% of GW’s lineup. Along with him, and returning from other trips is Guardsman Privit. They’ve also been joined a new friend from an Old World. Here are a few of the highlights my little friends saw along the way.
Stepping out of yet another portal LT. Antonius and Guardsman Privit find themselves in a strange new city called “Amsterdam”. A festival, which Antonius thinks must be Sanguinala is under way. Here they meet a fellow wander. An Engineer from some place call the “Empire”, going by the name of Hans Von Lohengram. While he wasn’t from this Old World, he did seem to understand the locals. Their first goal, find food!
Exploring the city, Privit thinks they could try to get out by ship, but this plain fails. 
Meanwhile, Hans enjoys the local art.
It seems a fine city to the trio, but they won’t find a portal here, time to move on!
In a town called Arnhem Privit explored a bridge where men much like him once fought.
Meanwhile LT. Antonius studied the local Terran tanks.
In the city of Dortmund LT. Antonius realized that the whole region was crazy Sanguinala and full of festivals.
Later in Aachen Hans was excited to visit the tomb of an Emperor, but it was not one he knew of.
In the city of Munster Hans tried to rally reinforcements, but the men of his Empire had not arrived yet.
Antonius meanwhile took in the local sites.
A local astronomical clock reminded Hans of home, but did not give them any clues. 
In Wuppertal Hans was very impressed with their hanging monorail. Privit claimed they had seen one just the year before and was excited to see another.
Seeking some safety the group traveled to the City of Strasbourg, Privit and the LT. had actually been here before, but to Hans the sites were new and impressive.
The city did seem to offer a taste of home.
But not safety! LT. Antonius was quickly drawn into a battle with a horde of Nids, even in the past they threaten Terra! Hans and Privit wanted nothing to do with this battle. And the three were forced to move on with their mission.
Indeed it was time to inspect the local fortification. Privit was very impressed by Cochem Castle.
In Heidelberg Hans was excited to the Castle of an Elector.
Very impressive agreed Privit.
The Lt. found the Hinterburg a nice castle, but ruined.
Meanwhile they all agreed that the Swallow’s Nest provided excellent views.
A deep fog and icy frost come upon the land. Hans warned the others that the mysterious towers of Auerbach almost certainly held some sort of Vampire or Necromancer.
Soon after an eerie and ice covered world greeted them. LT. Antonius was on guard, he knew that unnatural frosts are a sure sign of Chaos.
Out of the dark and mist a lone tower loomed. Castle Frankenstein. On their travels Hans had heard dark tales of this place and the alchemists who lived here. They had to escape!
And escape they did! But despair had begun to set in. Would they ever find a portal? Hans and Privit enjoyed a bit to much of the local drink in an effort to recover. Just as the LT. was about to scold them he noticed a portal opening in the bottom of the large mug, and the three where whisked away to Emperor, or Sigmar, knows where.
Thanks for joining me on this romp! Let us know where you think our little friends should head next, down in the comments!