Warhammer 40K: Fulgrim’s Rules – What 10th Edition Tells Us to Expect

Goatboy here to see if we can figure out what Warhammer 40K’s upcoming Fulgrim’s rules might actually be like. 10th Edition give us a lot of clues.
As we are about to really start seeing a new meta crash into 40k 10th Edition, I want to step back and look at what Fulgrim might actually be when they finally come out later this year. We got a nice peak at the new model and can easily see how he might work – especially if you look at Fulgrim through the filters of all the other Daemonic Primarchs we already have. So sit back, pull up a nice cozy chair, and lets see if we can guess what this Sadistic monster might actually be like.
Choose “One of Three” Powers
First of all there will be some sort of “choose” 1 of 3 powers to activate at some point in the Battle Round. It could range for combat all the time fun like Angron, upgrading powerful damage abilities like Magnus, or just doing some creepy Aura nonsense like Mortarion. I am expecting it to be some kind of Aura ability that mixes some of the fun Angron likes to throw around with interesting options like Morty. I would call it the Epitome of Excellence abilities and they range from creating combat monsters, breaking the enemy with some kind of beguiling aura, or just creating some kind of protection option to help his boys in Purple get their jobs done. I don’t think we’ll see ways to increase some kind of power he has but instead let Fulgrim be a force multiplier that can also get mixed in and wreck shop like Angron can.
What About Fulgrim’s Wings?
Speaking of combat nonsense it is interesting to see him with Wings to match the Forgeworld model. I thought it could be interesting to just leave him as a fast moving snake-like daemon. However, giving Fulgrim wings matches him up to the other Daemon Primarchs that seem to get wing from the Chaos Gods while the good guy Primarchs have to walk around looking all emo in their engraved power armor. He will most likely be one of the faster options in the game matching Angrons sheer speed. Fulgrim is a serpent after all, and needs to be able to get somewhere quickly and force their influence on the tabletop.
Multiple Attack Styles
On the close combat front I wonder if there would be some kind of rules that would allow him to “change” up how he fights? Beyond the whole sweep vs heavy hits thing and really give him some crazy options based on the weapons he is attacking with. Could you imagine him having something like three different main weapon attack modes and then a plethora of extra attacks to satisfy the whole idea that he is a close combat master? You could have the Heavy hits that would give him devastating wounds with high damage potential for less attacks. You have a Lethal hit option that is going for some kind of Poisonous blade with a smaller amount of attacks for decent flat damage. You could also look at the sweep option two that could have Sustained Hits to really bring the idea that this monster means business when it gets mixed in.
Keeping Fulgrim Alive
The ability to have some kind of protection needs to be important as most of the big guys have some options to help them out there. Angron has a regrowth ability as well as Feel No Pain from a Blessings roll. Morty is tough with damage prevention and just flat Feel No Pain. Magnus has some nullifying options on top of being pretty tough himself. I think we see Fulgrim mix it up a bit with the ability to be -1 to hit mixed with the normal 2+/4++ and maybe an option for Feel No Pain. I always wonder if having a regrow wounds ability would be “better” than feel no pain at times but it is always a worry to have something get back up to strength to quickly. Remember that in the Horus Heresy novels, the Emperor’s Children tried to kill Fulgrim, but his warp-enfused body kept regenerating faster than they could damage it.
Whip It Good!
Finally let’s think about whether Fulgrim would have any kind of shooting attacking. I would think some kind of short-ranged Whip action fits into this as well as some stacks of “sound” powers that could be fun. Their whole army is going to be a Sensory overload aspect with tons of sound based weapons, creepy looking audiophiles mutants, and I am sure tons of guys with extra gribbly tubes and bits. I don’t see this as a model designed to shoot you and rather push to get as close in to feel the pain they cause as they get mixed in. I can only expect at whip or two to be the “shooting” attack he might have.
What do you think? Am I close on anything or have I gone too vague to try and catch all options? I really see I’m as being the ultimate duelist type of model with abilities to match that and let them pick and choose the method to kill you with. Heck will just see if all their weapons will be listed in the models data sheet or are we going to see a flat pile of combined “extra” attacks.
All Hail the Dark Prince!