Warhammer 40K Next Week: An Aeldari Avalanche – New Codex And Miniatures

Next week, the Aeldari bring their foresight, hubris, and shuriken cannon to the grim darkness of the distant future.
Next week, the Aeldari lead the pre-order charge into the 41st Millennium. With a new codex full of lore and rules and all the elven hubris you could possibly need, the Aeldari are ready for a while new wave.
Get ready for a craftworld’s worth of new miniatures. Including Lhykhis Fuegan, Baharroth, and Asurmen. These legendary Phoenix Lords command the slightly less legendary but still pretty legendary Aspect Warriors, many of which are also getting new minis.
An Aeldari Advance – Next Week’s Pre-Orders
It all starts with the new Codex. Within its pages, you’ll find everything you need to know about the Aeldari war host, including how to field Ynnari and Harlequin forces among them. There are also rules for Spearhead and Combat Patrol engagements as well.
But a great army needs great leaders. Fortunately, next week’s releases have them covered in spades. Starting with a long-lost Phoenix Lord, Lhykhis, the Whispering Web, Phoenix Lord of the Warp Spiders.
Wielding a pair of iconic death spinners known as the Brood Twins, Lhykhis traverses the Warp to bring death to the enemies of Khaine.
And the Warp Spiders, with new models seen here, also jump through the Empyrean. They come with plenty of options your the Exarch to play with, too, including a Spinneret Rifle and Powerblades.
If traversing the Warp isn’t your idea of a good time, look instead to the skies, where Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind, soars. The Phoenix Lord of the Swooping Hawks is an aerial warrior second to none. He wields a Shining Sword and Shuriken weapon known as the Fury of the Tempest.

Back him up with new Swooping Hawks, who may not be as lithe and agile but who are deadly all the same. Their Exarch options include a sunpistol and power sword and a Hawk’s Talon.
Or if you have a burning desire for heavier firepower, bring out Fuegan, the Burning Lance, who really puts the Phoenix, Fire, and Dragons in Phoenix Lord of the Fire Dragons. With his Firepike, Searsong, he will blaze a tail through whatever enemies the Aeldari face.
And the new Fire Dragons look good, too. Their Exarch options include a Dragon fusion gun, a Dragon axe and Dragon fusion pistol combo, a Dragon’s breath flamer, and a firepike.
Or bring the legendary First Phoenix Lord, Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan, who survived the Fall and has healthy feelings about it.
There’s also a new Wave Serpent which can alternatively be built as a Falcon. So whether you want troop carriers or tanks, you’re covered.
And finally, new Aeldari War Walkers. Who might actually do something before they get blown up!
All this, next week!