Warhammer 40K: Out of Shape Catachans are a Hot Mess

Goatboy here and let me tell you the 40K Catachan units really look their age. GW really need to get the Grimdark’s favorite jungle fighters to the gym pronto!
The Catachan miniatures have such a funky design when you compare it to any of the new Astra Militarum stuff right now. That weird grimace of a face, lack of arm coverings, and a desire for camouflage pants just leaves a lot to be desired when you compare it to the newer AM Models. You just know the Kreig guys are snickering underneath those gas masks then the Jungle Fighters walk by.
Outdated Catachan Miniatures
Let’s start at the basic level of Command Squad and troop units for the Catachan. Their bodies don’t match the newer style of GW. They feel squat and out of place when you try to match them up. I just wonder why we keep them in or would it be even a good thing to rework them? What would we even do when redesigning them?
Give them more sculpted muscles? Do we update them with a more “uniform” style feel with chest armor, forearm pieces, and a better designed set of legs? You know like some of those store models we had a few years ago? Would that be the way to go to fix all of this?
Missing & Mismatched Catachan Units
The book lost Straken which is a pretty huge hit for this regiment choice. We could really push the design towards that model style with a taller form, leaner look, and cool feel. I don’t think we need to go a ton of cyborg options but just having this more “Rambo” lean warrior look would do wonders to make the unit look different from the Krieg and Cadian options.
It is the same with all the other units too. Look at all the heavy weapons and how they don’t fit with some of them new ones showing for the other regiments. I think the question really is – do we shift all of them? Is it worth it to update? This new 10th Edition Astra Militarum codex is going to stay with us for a while. Maybe we can get an updated Kill Team with new Catachans to help this out. Or maybe we just get a bunch of bare arms to add to your Cadian models and faces with cool mustaches and stogies to chew on.
The current Catachans are just a weird set of models to have in this game right now. Their unit is useable, people play the units a lot, and it is kinda loved by the player base. It would be a simple update to dump a new platoon box, a heavy weapons team, and a Command squad so new players don’t have to buy old models if they want a bunch of Rambos on the team. The original guys hit the scene in 1994, and the current plastic Catachan Squad showed up in 2001. These guys have been wating for an update a long time.
If it bleeds, we can kill it!