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Warhammer 40K: Where Are Karandras & Prince Yriel

4 Minute Read
Jan 31 2025
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The Aeldari Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions is missing in action. And so is Prince Yriel. So where did they go?

The Aeldari are getting a new codex very soon but there are two characters that are surprisingly missing in action. The first is the Striking Scorpion Phoenix Lord Karandras. And the other is Prince Yriel of the Iyanden Craftworld. We’re going to check in on them lore-wise and see if we can figure out what’s going on in-universe. But I think the real reason has a lot more to do with the real world.

Karandras, MIA

This one is probably the most shocking absence in the new Aeldari Codex. Why? Because we just got the new Striking Scorpions in plastic as well as a fresh batch of Phoenix Lords — all in plastic. It’s surprising GW updated all those models and seemingly forgot about Karandras. But is there a lore reason why?

According to the Lexicanum there is:

As with the other Phoenix Lords, Karandras has no permanent home and wanders across the galaxy. He was last spotted on Zandros in 928.M41 where he dueled for seventeen days with Arhra. Karandras later appeared under the command of Jain Zar, now pledged to Ynnead. Karandras took part in the battle to defend the Ynnari against the Thousand Sons and Tzeentch Daemons in the Webway, vanishing during the struggle.

So, Lore-wise, he vanished after a bout involving the Ynnari, Thousand Son, and Tzeentch Daemons. However, I don’t think he was captured. I wouldn’t think the Shadow Hunter would get snagged like that. Unfortunately, I don’t know where he could have run off too.

That said, GW did have this little tid-bit from WarCom:

Some [Phoenix Lords] like Karandras, the Shadow Hunter patiently stalk foes with supernatural persistence that is measured in centuries rather than hours, continuously attempting to atone for the bloody betrayal of his predecessor Arhra, the original father of the Scorpions. 


 When all of the Phoenix Lords are amassed, it is said the Rhana Dandra will begin – the epic final battle that will annihilate both realspace and the Immaterium alike. Perhaps Karandras’ current absence can be considered a boon then, all things considered. 

So GW knows that’s Karandras is missing just as much as you or I. However, they aren’t sharing where he’s at…


Prince Yriel, MIA


Prince Yriel has had a long history in 40k. It’s a little shocking he’s gone from the book, too. Lore-wise he did technically die. But he was also resurrected by the Ynnari, specifically Yvraine brought him back.

via Lexicanum

In the closing days of the 41st Millennium, Iyanden was again invaded. This time, Space Hulks carrying the Daemonic legions of Gara’gugul’gor threatened the Craftworld. Iyanden was only saved thanks to the effort of Yriel and the newly arrived Ynnari. In the final stages of the battle, Yriel used the Spear of Twilight to destroy Gara’gugul’gor and his Space Hulk at the cost of his own life. However, shortly afterward his corpse was recovered and resurrected by Yvraine, who revealed that the Spear of Twilight was one of the lost Crone Swords. Much of the life stolen from him by the Spear has been returned, but his death has still only been forestalled.

The fact is that Yriel is destined to die — as part of the whole “Spear of Twilight” thing. Also, he’s mortal…and mortals die so that’s not surprising. However, that’s not the point. We really haven’t heard much from him since the Gathering Storm story arc. And that was 7th edition! So my guess is that he’s still floating around out there fighting the good fight…just not with rules on the tabletop.

So…What Happened To Them Really?

If you’ll allow me to get my tinfoil hat on for a moment, I have a (conspiracy) theory. It’s a simple one really. The real reason they were removed is…they weren’t plastic. If you look at the rest of the Aeldari line from Games Workshop (other than the Forge World specific stuff) they are entirely plastic. This is actually the first time that’s happened. Previously they still had either metal or finecast miniatures. But all those units are gone.


Look, I don’t know what happened from GW’s end. Maybe it was a production issue. Or it could have been a timing problem. Heck, maybe GW just plumb forgot about those two characters. I really don’t know! But the fact is that all the Aeldari range is plastic from GW now and those two characters are MIA and not in the codex.

I think this might also be a cool way for them to get reintroduced down the line with new miniatures. Who knows what GW has planned. We might get a supplement or something down the line. But for now keep an eye out for those missing characters. Who knows when they might pop up again!?


Pour one out for Karandras and Yriel. Maybe we’ll see them again in the future…


Author: Adam Harrison
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