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‘Warhammer: The Old World’ – Five More Armies Of Infamy We Want To See

4 Minute Read
Jan 31 2025
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Take a look at some new Armies of Infamy options we’d love to see in Warhammer: The Old World.

GW is doing a great job at expanding and building out the game. We are about to get the 7th of the 9 core armies out, and should have them all by the end of the year. We’ve also had teasers for what’s coming next. Now we’ve looked at some of the big pictures of what is yet to come the other day. But to me one of the coolest things GW did in Old World is introduce the ideas of Armies of Infamy. These are a great way to expand the game and add in flavor. So I think any future expansion books are likely to keep up this trend introducing a couple new units and an army of infamy for various armies. Today I want to take a look at few armies of Infamy we’d really like to see added to the game in future expansions.

 5. The Cult Of Ulric – Empire of Man

While Sigmar is the main god of the Empire, he is not the only god. One of the other major gods, maybe second behind Sigmar, is Ulric. Ulric is the god of war, winter and wolves and worshipped most prominently in Middenland and Middenhiem. The White Wolf and his followers are fierce and deadly and tend to represent a less organized but not less deadly part of the Empire. This is a classic alternate Empire build as there were rules for both the cult and a number of special units at points in the past. We’ve love to see them come back to the tabletop. We kind of got a little taste of this with the White Wolf Knightly order rules and Tuetogen Guard. Seeing this expanded would be just great.

4. Border Prince Vampires – Tomb Kings/ Brets / Empire

How about a sneaky way to bring VC back into the game? We’ll you don’t HAVE to do a full army, an Army of Infamy could actually do this. With like one or two new units and then just pulling units from a couple other armies, TK, Brets and Empire, I think you could build a pretty good kind of Vampire army. This wouldn’t be your classic Vampire Counts full undead army. No this would be the army of some minor vampire from the Border Princes that uses a mix of undead and mortal troops. Dirty peasants, skeletons, fallen knights, etc.. I bet you could build a pretty cool list this way without a ton of work.

3. Mercenaries / Dogs of War – Empire / Dwarfs

Look we’d all really love a full Dogs of War army with a lot of new units and Regiments of Renown and everything. That’s the hope. That’s the goal. But a stop gap measure would be a Mercenary Army of Infamy, kind of like Bretonnian Exiles. Like the Border Prince Vampires above this wouldn’t be that hard to pull off. You’d just need to bring together a list that can take units from several of the existing armies to represent a Mercenary Army. A couple new units that can be converted out of existing sets would round if off nicely.

2. The Treekin List – Wood Elves


This one is really a no-brainer. Wood Elfs are split into two parts, the flesh-elf part and the woody-tree-people part. I think it’s pretty obvious that one of their AoI’s is going to focus on the tree-people aspect of the army (the other could be the Wild Hunt?). They’ve had the option to take armies like this before, and it makes sense. Treemen, Treekin, Dryads, and the like making up a whole army is a great idea. It can also look very visually stunning. Out of anything on this list I think this is by far the most likely one for us to get, and likely by the end of the year!

1. Da ‘Ard Boyz – Orcs & Goblins

Now yeah, Orcs do already have two Armies of Infamy, and they are both OK. But it’s a little sad that they, and the army in general, doesn’t really focus on Orcs. One of the armies is all Trolls, and the other is more about Boards and Chariots than Orcs. What about poor Orc infantry? I’d really love to see an Army of Infamy that built on and focused around Orc infantry bringing back a classic Horde army that isn’t all about fanatics. I think GW doesn’t want to focus to much on Savage Orcs these days, or at least not calling them that since its a bit problematic. But any army of Warpaint Orcs? Or a bunch of Ard Boyz? I dunno that’s just cool and very classic Fantasy and I’d love to see something like that.

Let us know what Armies of Infamy you’d like to see, down in the comments! 


Author: Abe Apfel
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