Warhammer: The Old World – Wyrm Slayer of Bretonnia

Games Workshop is showcasing the legendary Wyrm Slayer of Bretonnia for The Old World. It’s dragon slaying time!
There’s a new miniature on the way from Games Workshop. This one is coming straight out of the annals of history. Meet the Wyrm Slayer known as Sir Cecil Gastonne.
“Sir Cecil may look like his fellow lords, but behind his crisply moustachioed mien lies the heart of a stone-cold monster-killer. He earned the soubriquet ‘the Wyrm Slayer’ after a particularly legendary victory over Norndrak the Tyrant – a real name to run away from – and like all good warriors, fashioned his fallen foe into a dashing scale cloak.”
Wyrm Slayer of Bretonnia
Unfortuantely, we don’t get a good look at the back of Sir Cecil’s “dashing scale cloak” but I’m guessing it’s going to be fancy. That said, it’s not just for show. It’s got some additional protective properties. The Dragonhide Cloak “confers the durability of its former owner on Gastonne in battle, protecting him from fire and armour-piercing attacks” which sound useful! Hopefully they work better for the new owner than they did for the old one…
That’s not the only magic Sir Cecil is rocking either. His axe is also touched with magic. It’s known as Sorrow’s End and can really bring the pain to monstrous creatures and cavalry. Additionally, when Sir Cecil doesn happen to hack down specific enemies he also gains the Terror special rule:
At first, I wasn’t super inspired by Sir Cecil. But if he’s willing to go and take on monstrous units and has a reputation for walking away the victor then maybe he’s due a bit of respect. Keep an eye out for this Wyrm Slayer…that title isn’t a boast. It was well earned.
You can find the rest of Sir Cecil’s rules in the Arcane Jounal: Kingdoms of Bretonnia. His miniature is cast in resin and will be releasing for GW soon.
Brave, Brave Sir Cecil…