Warhammer Underworlds: First Balance Update

The new edition of Warhammer Underworlds has received it’s first major balance update. Download the changes now.
Games Workshop has taken a good, hard look at Warhammer Underworlds and created a new edition. Their goal was to make the game more accessible and more supported on the Organized Play front. As the new edition has rolled out we’ve seen updates to all the available Warbands. And while some got put to the side, we expect those to come back into the rotation eventually.
Warhammer Underworlds Download Page
That said, they are serious about keeping the game supported for organized play. That means balance passes to ensure the health of the game. Yesterday, we saw Game Workshop release the first balance update to Warhammer Underworlds. And you can download the updates for free right now.
“The new edition of Warhammer Underworlds is now in full swing. There are dozens of warbands duking it out across Embergard even now – and there’ll be another new one to see next week. The design team have been hard at work since release, playing games, observing tournaments and collating data, and they’re ready to unveil the first new Rules Updates and Organised Play Formats documents.”
Underworlds Balance Updates
Warhammer Underworlds Rules Updates Winter 2024-25 Download
It’s worth noting that these rules are actually designed in a way so that you can literally cut them out and place them on the amended cards. I’m not sure if GW intends for you to glue over them or what. Personally, I’d just slide them in card sleeves and work with those. But you do you.
There’s also an FAQ included in the update which should help to clarify these updates and other rules questions. There’s also downloads for ten of the warbands. You’ll want to download those individually.
- The Sepulchral Guard
- The Thricefold Discord
- The Farstriders
- Ironsoul’s Condemnors
- Zarbag’s Gitz
- Daggok’s Stab lads
- Cyrenis Razors
- Zondara’s Gravebreakers
- The Skinnerkin
- Spiteclaw’s Swarm
There have also been some changes to decks in the game:
“Reckless Fury: Catch Weapon, Lost Legacy, and Over to You now have Surge icons, though their effects are unchanged.”
Organized Play
Organized Play Update Download
And finally there’s been some minor updates to the Organized Play information, too. There’s now an official Forsaken and Restricted list for the Nemesis Format.
“No more than three cards from the Restricted list can be used in a Nemesis deck, and no Forsaken cards may be used at all.”
I wouldn’t say it’s a light-touch with this Balance Update. But it’s also not a completely crazy rework either. I think Games Workshop is taking an active hand in this game and that’s a good thing overall.
Once more into the Underworld we tread.