Age of Sigmar – How to Play Orruk Warclans: Ironjawz

Today we look into the Ironjawz Orruk Warclans faction of Age of Sigmar. Might makes right, and no one understands that better than the Ironjawz.
These Orruks hammer crude plates of armor into their bodies and hunt down the biggest and strongest enemies they can find to prove their might. This anger and strength extend to their Maw-Grunta, Gore-Grunta and Maw-Krusha mounts. In fact, there is a slightly humorous belief among some human hunters that a Maw-Krusha is only able to fly because gravity is scared of it. Here are some quick tips to make the most of the Ironjawz on the battlefield and some good units to make sure you bring along.
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What Are Ironjawz?
The Ironjawz are those Orruks who prefer to put their faith in good ol’ fashioned pig iron rather than ritualistic tattoos or wild spiritual energy. They are massive, and their leadership is decided by who is the biggest and the strongest. They love nothing more than to charge into battle with a mighty warcry and reduce their enemies to a pulp before moving on to the next fight. With no grand plan – and a craving to conquer; they only want to fight and wage endless war, much like their space-faring cousins in Warhammer 40k.
Why Play Ironjawz?
Ironjawz are tough, and they can do an insane amount of damage on the charge. They aren’t a very big army, so you won’t have to worry about painting too much, but each Orruk is worth its weight and will likely take down several enemies all by itself. If you want an extremely resilient army that can dish it out even better than take it, the Ironjawz are the choice for you.
Ironjawz Strengths
- You can bring down just about anything you face in one or two rounds of combat thanks to many combat buffs
- Your units are generally small, so it isn’t daunting to paint this army (unless you go Ardboy spam!)
Ironjawz Weaknesses
- Sloooooooow base movement characteristics unless you go full-pig
- The only shooting you have comes from your monster mount or spells, and it isn’t great
Signature Ironjawz Rules
Battle Traits
- Mighty Destroyers– Once per turn 3″ Hero phase move which can bring you into, but not out of, combat.
- Ironjawz Waaagh!– Once per battle 18″ aura from any hero which adds one to charge rolls and attack profiles.
Battle Formations
- Ironjawz Brawl– get an extra attack on the charge if it is 8″ or more.
- Grunta Stampede– every destroyed enemy unit increases the movement of your pig units.
- Ironfist– The ol’ Smashing and Bashing is here, giving a bonus to hit with a unit if the previous activation destroyed an enemy unit.
- Weirdfist– Gives Wizards and Priests a 12″ Ward(6+) bubble.
Heroic Traits
- Hulking Brute– inflict mortal wounds on the charge.
- An’ Eye for the Fight– 12″ aura that gives a minimum 4″ Redeploy
- Mega Bossy– if this unit charged it creates an aura with a bonus to charge.
- Trophy Skulls– Plus ten to control score.
- Armour of Gork– A 6+ ward.
- Amberbone Whetstone– Give one weapon profile an extra Rend.
Key Ironjawz Units
There really isn’t much to an Ironjawz army because why mess with the perfection of bashin’. That said, here are units that should maybe be in your army.
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha
Always your general, and that will never change. He hits like a jet-fueled boss with foot-long spikes on the front that is also on fire, and gets stronger the more enemies he kills. Never, ever leave him at home.
Animal from the Muppets if he also wanted to kill Kermit for being green. You’ll really want to have more than one of these to get the most out of the Rhythm of Destruction.
Weirdnob Shaman
Your one and only wizard. Keep him near ‘Ardboyz or bigger units of Brutes to get the most out of his casting with Brutal Power.
These boyz are tough as nails and very efficient for their cost. Sporting 3+ armour and two Health, ten Arboyz is a handful and twenty is a downright problem. A wall of sixty? Forget about it.

Ironjawz Brutes
These lads are your elite troops and can deal an insane amount of damage. Thanks to You Messin’ they will still an objective from smaller models with ease.
Take a Brute and add an angry boar that literally eats metal, and you get the Gore-Gruntas. Provide some much-needed speed and an incredible amount of damage to the army. Can be used to clean up after the Brutes or soften up a unit for their charge.
Tuskboss on Maw-grunta
Everyone loves the beeg peeg! As long as Maw-gruntas keeps charging and keeps up its momentum, it is a wrecking ball until it dies.
Brute Ragerz
This is what happens when a hulking Orruk gets embarrassed. Huge weapons, no armor, and a big attitude- Ragerz are an excellent ‘glass cannon’ type unit! Missle them into an enemy and let them punch above their weight.
Sample Ironjawz Army
Faction: Ironjawz
– Battle Formation: Grunta Stampede
Regiment 1
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas
Regiment 2
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas
How to Play Ironjawz
Hit hard, double up on enemies if you can, and try to always be in combat. Make the most of flank charges and make every hit count. Save your command points for Megaboss stuff.