AoS: Right-Hand Man – Best Generic Heroes From Every Grand Alliance

We’re here for round seven of the Grand Alliance Throwdown! Today’s battle: four MORE heroes that may not be unique, but they are remarkable.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! We’re back again with another Grand Alliance battle royale. We’ve said before that an army is only as good as its leader. However, not every general on the battlefield needs to be a hardened warrior from decades of campaigns in the Realm. Everyone starts somewhere (even Sigmar was just a prince), and every great warrior needs an origin story. These four heroes may not have stepped into the great spotlight yet, but with a little more time and a lucky loot drop, they’ll have a name in no time.
As always, we won’t repeat previous entries (otherwise, Archaon would win almost every category), so if you don’t see your favorite leader, check the earlier posts.

Order: Akhelian King
While the easy option here would be to go for one of the Stormcast heroes (I certainly wouldn’t be spoiled for choice), I have to give the prize to the Idoneth Deepkin Akhelian King. This undersea elven champion has always held a special place in my heart. From the dynamic pose of his Deepmare mount to the variety of weapon and armor options, this watery warrior has it all. Sure, he might not measure up to the sirs in Sigmarite in every aspect, but he’s got enough going on in his arsenal to make him a top contender in my book.

The Akhelian is an all-in, powerhouse warrior who ensures you hit first and hard. He gets five attacks with his weapon that do two damage each, and on the charge he can choose to either inflict mortal wounds with his Deepmare’s horn or increase the Rend of his blade. Even better, when he charges, his weapon jumps up to three damage, making him a deadly threat on the move. That’s to say nothing of his mount, who can dish out four attacks of her own. Best of all, after the King attacks, he can choose another Akhelian cavalry unit to fight immediately, giving you a nasty one-two punch. Strike like a tidal wave with this amazing hero.
Chaos: Chaos Lord on Karkadrak
Never has a model so call fallen so far, and it hurts my heart. The Chaos Lord on Karkadrak has been one of my favorite models in the Slaves to Darkness range for a long time, and when it first arrived, it was a gangbuster. That isn’t to say it’s bad these days; far from it in fact. I just miss the halcyon days of a whirlwind of attacks, an axe that healed them, and the ability to allow Chaos Knights to fight immediately. Still, this model sits at the top of the charts for a reason.
Even in its more diluted form, this Chaos Lord is still nothing to scoff at. He has five attacks with Damage two that does extra damage on the charge and dishes out mortal wounds on crits. The rhino lizard he rides is no slouch either, with four Damage two attacks of its own. Alongside that, it has impact hits, and can empower itself and nearby non-cavalry units on the charge. Once this monster gets rolling, it’s very difficult to stop.
Death: Liege-Kavalos
If you’re looking for great heroes, look no further than the forces of Death. Death has always had a heavy focus on the leaders, and they are the lynchpin of your army more than in any other Grand Alliance. However, one that stands out as a singular powerhouse is the Liege-Kavalos of the Ossiarchs. This monster has all the punch of a much larger hero, plus he can turn your already formidable Deathriders into a bone-crushing Death Star. You can’t go wrong with this deadly lord.

Right off the bat, the Kavalos has an incredible attack profile. Like the other two heroes on this list, he has five Damage two attacks, but his get stronger on the charge AND each crit counts as two hits. But that’s just the beginning of the destruction this general can wrought. He can charge through Infantry units, dealing mortal wounds as he does (as can his Kavalos followers), and he allows other Kavalos to fight immediately after him. If you want to run a cavalry Death list, this is definitely the way to go.
Destruction: Ironjawz Megaboss
Ironjawz are one of the dominant forces of Destruction. Not only do they have (allegedly) the closest bond with Gorkamorka, their feral god, but they have the most punch, grit, and dead fighty-ness of any faction in the Realms. As such, it makes sense that Destruction’s top contender comes from their ranks. Any of the Orruk bosses could fit the mold here, but I wanted to go old school with the OG Megaboss. After all, with all the changes coming to the game, sometimes it helps to remember your roots.
Stepping up from the puny gitz from the previous entries, the Megaboss enters battle with a whopping eight attacks with his Boss-choppa. Combine that with his 3+ save and his ability to get more attacks the more damage he deals, and you’ve got a one-Orruk blender that can mince an enemy unit single-handedly. Best of all, he can get his fellow Brutes into the fight early, a great thing for you and terrible thing foy anything you point them at. The Orruks are the best their is at smashing the enemy, and this boss makes sure it happens even faster.
Did your favorite hero make the cut?