D&D Accessories: Owlbear Stuff (and Stuffed Owlbears)

This week we’re hooting and growling for these not-so-scary Owlbear-themed Dungeons and Dragons accessories.
There are few monsters as well known as Dungeons and Dragons’ Owlbear. By combining two animals that everyone knows, D&D has made a creature that everyone recognizes, and few want to fight. But Owlbears can be a lot of fun, and some of today’s accessories aren’t even that fearsome. In fact, some of them are downright cute and snuggly… But please don’t try to snuggle the owlbears in your game. Or do; I’m not your parent.
Phunny Plush by Kidrobot

Do you like your D&D monsters soft and cuddly? Of course you do! Everybody does! Nobody want to encounter a beholder in a dungeon, but make it plush and it’s adorable. So of course the same goes for a stuffed baby owlbear. This adorable plushy is a teamup between WotC and stuffed creature masters KidRobot. It’s 7-inches are pure cuteness.
Owlbear Sanctuary Tee

Rescuing animals is a noble venture—especially when those animals are gigantic owlbears. But if you’re willing to undertake the risk, we bless you. Is the owlbear in the logo being saved in the sanctuary or are they some kind of forest ranger? Or did they eat the ranger for the hat? Who knows! This shirt comes in ten possible colors.
Owlbear Action Figure

If you’re a fan of the most posable figures, this Owlbear came to fight. This 6-inch figure comes with two additional paws and is great for fans of the owlbear who enjoyed its appearance in the new D&D movie Honor Among Thieves. And no, we’re not looking to discuss if this was a real wildshape possibility. It was fun and that’s what’s important.
These Adorable Owlbear Baby Figures

There are tons of Owlbear minis out there. No matter what pose, size, or how scary a monster you want your party to meet, there is an Owlbear mini for you. But these li’l cubs are definitely more snuggly than scary and personally, my favorite. Will the players at your table try to adopt a baby owlbear once you introduce them? You know they will. But don’t let that stop you. In fact, let them. Why not? What could go wrong?
“A Goldberry a Day” T-Shirt

Everybody knows, but just in case your party needs a reminder… With eight sizes and eleven colors to choose from, this is a shirt made to match your D&D personality. Unless you don’t want to keep the Owlbears away for some reason. They’re not all going to be as cute as the baby owlbears from the previous listing… Still, a few goodberries are probably a good thing to keep on hand.
What’s your favorite famous monster from the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual? Have any of our picks made it onto your wish list? Do you own any monster-themed D&D accessories? Let us know in the comments!
Happy adventuring!