D&D: Five Essential Items For Traveling the Planes

Exploring D&D’s multiverse is dangerous. Planes of fire and water are just the start. Grab these items if you’re going beyond the Material.
Setting out for adventure beyond the Material Plane is a dangerous business. You might end up in a city of fire. Chomped on by Astral Dreadnoughts. Kidnapped by Inevitables from the clockwork plane of Mechanus.
But rather than suffer any number of terrible fates while drifting through an uncaring multiverse, why not grab one of these essential items for traveling the planes?
Necklace of Adaptation
This is hands down the most essential item for traveling the planes. If you can only get one, get a Necklace of Adaptation. It won’t solve all your problems, but it will take care of the most important one.
While wearing a Necklace of Adaptation, you can breathe normally in any environment. And being able to breathe normally means you have a shot at doing pretty much anything else. Doesn’t matter if the air is actually fire, earth, or water, you can breathe it safely.
From there, you can take care of the rest.
Helm of Telepathy/Comprehend Languages
Okay now that you can breathe, you need to be able to speak to the denizens of these other planes. Because you know there’s gonna be denizens. And they’re going to want to know what you’re doing there.
You can avoid a lot of trouble by being able to understand them and communicate to them what’s up. For this, a helm of comprehending languages or telepathy works grand. With either helm, you can break the language barriers, either by understanding the language, or bypassing speech altogether and sharing items directly from mind to mind.
Daern’s Instant Fortress
One of the hardest things to do on another plane is to find shelter. When you’re in the Nine Hells, for instance, where will you take shelter from the burning rain? On the infinite layers of the Abyss, how will you flee the demon winds?
Daern’s Instant Fortress is like a magical pop-up tent but better. Because this one-inch metal cube sprouts into a sizable fortress. A square tower, twenty feet on a side and 30 feet high, complete with arrow slits and a battlement. And the door opens only on your command. Not even magic can make it open.
And on top of that, it’s made of adamantine. So odds are good it can take whatever the other plane has to throw at it.
Ioun Stone, Sustenance
What happens when you run out of trail rations while wandering the windswept depths of Pandemonium? You can’t eat the howling winds of chaos, nor can you just find a cheeseburger in the ever-shifting chaos of Limbo. But you won’t need any of that with a Sustenance Ioun Stone. While one of these orbits your head, you don’t need to eat or drink.
Amulet of the Planes
Finally, you’re going to want to have a way to get back home. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to do. But an Amulet of the Planes is one of the easiest ways to travel between planes. There’s a 40% chance you’ll end up on another plane, sure. But when faced with spending an eternity in the glades of Elysium or going back home to your job and that quest on the Material Plane, which would you pick?
Happy adventuring!