D&D: Get in Gear – Five Pieces of Equipment Every Adventurer Needs

Forget rations. These items will make your dungeon a crawl. Here are five pieces of gear that every adventurer needs.
Delving into a dungeon is risky. You face ancient traps and powerful magic spells. And no shortage of guardians. That’s a lot of risks you’re facing, and for what kind of reward?
Oh, gold and treasure the likes of which kings dream of. That tracks. Well if you’re going to do it, here are five pieces of gear every adventurer needs. You’ll need weapons and armor, sure, but these will change the way you crawl through that dungeon.
These tiny spiked bits are a perfect implement. In the cramped confines of the dungeon, you never know when you might need to beat a hasty retreat, but if you scatter caltrops behind you you can slow down any pursuer as you make your escape back to your party (if you were scouting ahead) or into open ground where you can shut the door behind you.
Fun fact, in D&D, caltrops can slow down anyone and deal damage. Even the Tarrasque must bow down to the pain of caltrops.
Spike and Hammer
But once you’ve shut the door, you want to make sure no one can just open it. A hammer and some spikes are every adventuring party’s best friend. There comes a time when you’ll invariably need to take a short rest (or a long one, if you decide to listen to your wizard). Use a spike to hold the door and keep enemies from getting at you while you recuperate.
Bag of Sand
A bag of sand is an adventurer’s best friend. It’s an extra bit of weight you can use to keep pressure-related traps from setting off, sure. But it’s also a great way to find hidden doors if you suspect there might be some, or scatter around if a foe becomes invisible and you lose track of them.
A Mirror
A simple handmirror can help you see carefully around corners, under doors, or engage with monsters that have gaze attacks without necessarily exposing yourself to them. Plus, you can make sure you look perfectly coiffed so you go into battle looking your best.
An 11-Foot Pole
Because everyone expects the ten-foot pole. With this, you’re standing a foot back, and as we’ve seen on the other side of a five-foot square makes all the difference.
Bonus: Your Friends
It’s dangerous to go alone, after all.
Happy adventuring!