Explore the Underworld and Battle Ancient Gods In These Horror RPGs – Live on Kickstarter

Looking for a darker gaming experience, something filled with gothic monsters that will take you to lands of the dead? These horror RPGs can scratch that itch.
Glumdark has been collecting system-agnostic dark fantasy resources for years—everything from loot tables and name creation to monster generators and story-building tools. The site has been invaluable for anyone running a game that leans toward the macabre and gothic.
Those resources have been gathered into a gorgeous book that contains everything you need to run a game in the Glumdark universe. It also includes over 50 tools that can be used to create dark campaigns for your system of choice – including Pathfinder, 5e, Shadowdark, and Mörk Borg.
KULT: Divinity Lost
Pick up two new sourcebooks and two new scenario collections for the ENnie-winning RPG. Metropolis expands the Eternal City; The Illusion and The Borderlands explores places where Elysium and other worlds have bled together; Scarlet Bride and Other Tales contains six new scenarios; and Broken Reflections is a starter collection that brings new perspectives to KULT.
Witch Lords of Skull Mountain

Part of this year’s Zinequest, this hexcrawl is built for Dungeon Crawl Classics, Old School Essentials, and Shadowdark. It’s available in digital or physical, starting at under $10.
Witch-Lords of Skull Mountain is (hopefully) a learning tool for new/intermediate GM/DM/Judges to help them build out their own hexcrawls. Aside from that, this is a kick ass sword-and-sorcery mini-setting you can use to kick off a new campaign, integrate into your existing campaign, or sit on your shelf and admire for years to come…
Immortals: Hubris & Glory
This 5e campaign is inspired by the darkest pages of Greek mythology, a place where myth and horror intertwine. The game has a unique magic system that skips spell slots and a Hubris & Glory system that players must balance. Explore Hades’ underworld or take your chances on the high seas – either way, be prepared to fight ancient horrors.
Lands of the Occult

Go to fantastic lands with these giant (up to 30×45 inches), highly detailed digital maps. They all come in versions with and without a grid to suit your needs. Each is designed to allow your party to explore and offers the ability to create unique encounters. Add immersion to your games for less than $20.
Fallen London
The popular video game is coming to the tabletop thanks to Magpie Games.
Fallen London: The RPG includes setting information seeded with plot hooks for your game, numerous character types representing the variety of Londoners fans love from the browser and video games, a full set of conflicts and dynamic systems for departing on ventures across London, a sample venture to get you started on your journey, and much more. Delve into the Neath like never before in an immersive roleplaying experience that gives you the chance to change all of London…though the cost might be far greater than you ever imagined.