Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Brain Food

Well it’s certainly not chilled monkey brains. This new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop should come with a warning sign.
If you’re on the squeamish side of things this is a Rumor Engine you might want to skip. Or at least take some comfort in knowing that it’s in grey scale. We’ve got a pretty gross one today. So consider this your spoiler/content warning. In fact, I’m going to put the text up first and the Rumor Engine below that today…
“Mmm, soup. There’s nothing better to warm you up on a blustery winter’s day, and enterprising cooks from across the worlds of Warhammer have come up with all kinds of ingenious recipes. Just look at this masterpiece – it even comes in its own bowl.”
Rumor Engine – Brain Food
So what are we looking at here? Well, that’s apparently a “soup bowl” and I can see a bone jutting out of the right side of the image. If this is a soup, I’m going to have to pass on this one. I’m trying to look at different parts of this one to figure out what else is going on.
Clearly we’ve got a knife of or a sharp stick tied to the side of this soup bowl as well. And some poor sod’s head has been converted into a food container. Ugh. I’m glad this one is in greyscale.
There’s a couple of different factions that come to mind when it involves uh…delicacies of this nature. First up is the Ogor Kingdoms. They have an appetite for flesh that is bottomless. Perhaps their Butchers are getting into making stews and soups.
Next, we have the other Flesh-eaters. They seem like a good candidate for this style of food. However, they don’t seem like they have the patience for the culinary arts.
But they do have that gross out factor going for them. However, there’s one more faction I’d toss into the mix. Only because they can be gross and also okay with eating lots of things.
The Hedonites, in particular Glutos here, are into “fine dining” or something like that. So perhaps this is related to them. That said, it’s pretty low on my list of likely suspects but I did want to mention it.
I’m still a bit grossed out here so I’m passing this over to you readers. If you’ve got a theory as to what this “soup bowl” could be drop us a line in the comments. I’m gonna go look at puppies or kittens for a bit. I need some brain bleach for this image.
Do stare too hard at this one. Much like the Abyss, it might start staring back.