Games Workshop Rumor Engine: That’s No Cattle Prod

This new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop could lead to some shocking new developments. We just need to prod for answers.
Welcome to another Tuesday and a brand new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. Today’s image is poking at something. What is it poking at? Well, that’s what we’re trying to figure out. See for yourself.
“Why yes, our salad tongsĀ do have striped power cables. How else do you make them clack together to ensure they work?”
Rumor Engine – That’s No Cattle Prod
That is definitely a power cable of some sort connected to prongs. It’s going to discharge quite a shock into whatever get prodded by it for sure. The question is who would use such a device?
My first guess is the Adeptus Mechanicus. They do like their strange electro-shock weapons. At the same time, I’m not 100% sure they have a lot of those exposed power cables to show off. But what if this was leading to something a bit moreĀ …twisted.
Anyone else remember the Negavolt Cultists from Blackstone Fortress? Because I sure do. With the Horus Heresy finally getting the Dark Mechanicus perhaps they are going to be making an appearance in 40k.
On the other hand, we also have the Techmarines from all the Space Marine factions. The DO have those same style power cables with the bright yellow and black paint jobs. Could GW be teasing a new Techmarine or perhaps a new specialty Techmarine? Think Iron Father Feirros as an example.
At the same time that still doesn’t explain the prongs. Most of the power cabling for Space Marines goes to weapons that we’ve seen before — guns, swords, axes, thunder hammers, etc. The Space Marines don’t use a cattle prod-like poking sticking.
So this is where we’re at folks. And this is where I’m going to hand it over to you! If you’ve got any ideas on what this could be drop us a line in the comments. I’m genuinely curious to know what you all think this one could be.
I still don’t think this is a cattle prod.