Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation Pack Explored

The Guardians of the Galaxy are getting a pair of new Affiliation Packs to make collecting them easier. Let’s check out the first one!
Atomic Mass Games recently announced the new pair of Affiliation Packs coming to stores soon. These two are Guardians of the Galaxy themed and are perfect for quickly ramping-up your collection. Today, we’re getting a look at the first of the pair which is the Guardians of Galaxy Affiliation Pack. This one features Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Cosmic Ghost Rider.
“The original release of the Guardians was years ago and their crew has only grown over time. Now is the ideal time to re-introduce them in their own set of Affiliation boxes. These boxes take multiple previously released character boxes and combine them into one box, making them an easier pick up for players looking to boost their collection.”
Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation Pack
These particular characters have been in the game for a couple years at this point. I don’t think we need to cover their powers one-by-one. If you’re new to the game or looking to jump into a playing Guardians of the Galaxy, then you’re going to want to start with this pack. Star Lord is (currently) the only Guardian with a Leadership ability — it kind of makes him important to take. it’s also worth noting that these cards are updated versions with the new layouts and errata’s included.
If you have the original Star Lord card that one got replaced with the one from the 2021 Update. He, along with Rocket and Groot all got new-style cards.
Again, there’s nothing crazy here with the cards. The characters have the same abilities as their 2021 updates — the formatting has changed to match the current state of things from a visual perspective. With the incorporation of the updates and new visual style this affiliation packs these are the cards you’ll want to use moving forward.
Updated Cosmic Ghost Rider
The Cosmic Ghost Rider is another character in the box as well. His updated card is a tad more complicated. CGR got straight-up nerfed in an Errata back in February of 2024. To be fair, it was probably warranted… His Power Cosmic Penance Stare went from costing 6 energy to 8. Furthermore, all of this other powers got reworded.
Now, if you compare this errata to his updated card in the Affiliation Pack, you’ll notice that all of that text got updated to match. So regardless if you pick-up this pack or not if you’re using CGR, you’ll want to save the new card block for future reference.
The new Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation Pack is due out March 28, 2025. It’s currently up for pre-order as well.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation Pack $64.99
The Guardians of the Galaxy come together in CP222. Bringing Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot and one of their newest members, the Cosmic Ghost Rider in one pack. Players can use other Guardians of the Galaxy with these characters to grow their collection.
Each character brings their unique abilities, powers and tactics to this affiliation pack. Star-Lord is an expert marksman and a clever tactician. Rocket is a deadly marksman, and cunning explosives expert whose friend Groot has exceptional strength and the ability to regenerate damage. Their bond gives them abilities and bonuses. They are joined by the Cosmic Ghostrider who is a powerhouse on the battlefield.
GotG Fans, start with this pack first!