Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Yondu & Nova’ Unboxed & Up Close

We’ve got the new heroes Yondu and Nova character pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol in the house! It’s time to take a closer look at them both.
Yondu and Nova are heading to the tabletop in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Personally, I’m excited about both of these additions to the Guardians of the Galaxy roster. Both are fantastic sculpts and I really like what Atomic Mass Games has done for each. Luckily, AMG sent us a copy of them to review so we’re going to dive into how they look up close!
Yondu & Nova Box Contents
I was really looking forward to this particular boxed set, too. Nova in particular was one of the characters I was really rooting for to show up in MCP. Now he’s here! But first, let’s dive into the contents.
This box has basically everything you’d expect. You’ve got all the cards and sprues you need to field these two character. You get four sets of the team tactic and character cards for all the supported languages. This shouldn’t be a surprise at this point — it’s what AMG’s been doing since they swapped over to this format of releases.
Now, I wont’ be covering what their rules are in this article because we already did that. So check out Yondu’s rules preview HERE. You can read about how Nova works on the tabletop HERE.
As far as the sprues go it’s what you’d expect. Both characters are on one sprue as you can see above. Additionally, both characters are on the small 35mm bases so you get a set of those as well.
Now, let’s check out these characters up close!
Yondu Up Close
Yondu packs a lot of swagger in his miniature. I like the pose with him standing on a box like certain pirate on a rum bottle. I also like that MCP combined his movie and comic book versions into a single miniature. He’s got his bow as well as the arrow doing a cool trick around his pose. Yondu is a space pirate and I love what AMG did here. My only gripe is that he should of had a leadership ability…but that’s really a rules issue and not a problem with the miniature.
Nova Up Close
I know I have said this before in other articles but I’m a fan of Nova. So, I’m a 100% biased here. I like how he’s represented in miniature form for starters. He’s not as “bouncy” as some of the other flying miniatures and his foot and “explosion” on the base are very sturdy. I also like the subtle details with the chest and back armor — he’s Nova and that does come with a sort of uniform. I’m really excited to get this one painted up and on the tabletop. I know there’s some folks out there that aren’t impressed with his kit. But I’m not one of those people. I think he’s going to be useful to splash in other Affiliations, too.
Both of these characters are out and available in stores right now. So if you’re looking to beef up your own Guardians of the Galaxy Affiliation now is the time!
Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Yondu & Nova $39.99
CP126 brings Yondu and Nova to the table in Marvel: Crisis Protocol! As MCP expands into the larger realms of comics, we see more exciting characters from Marvel brought to the tabletop.
Yondu brings a mix of his comics look at new found MCU fame, with his iconic mohawk and deadly bow & arrow. His game mechanics bring an underhanded pirate play style to the game, which will be new and fun for players. Nova is a hard hitting, medium zone character which will be a welcome addition to any player and collector.
He’s Nova Prime-Time in my book!