Shmowzow! Adventure Time’s ‘Card Wars’ is Back With 3 New Collector’s Packs

Floop the pig! Card Wars is back with a brand collector’s packs with new mechanics and cards will make the Mushroom War slightly more tolerable.
Card Wars is a competitive card game featured in the animated series, Adventure Time. While card game purists might scoff at the silly art style, Card Wars is genuinely a fun and really strategic game to play.
This latest Kickstarter campaign includes 3 new collector’s packs. Each pack comes with 2 new heroes plus new cards, new landscapes, and tons of tokens to make sure you never run out. With the new packs, you can play as Flame Princess, Fern, Prismo, The Lich, PepBut or Magic Man.
Card Wars Overview
Card Wars actually works kinda similar to Marvel Snap, if anyone is still playing that. It’s a head-to-head game. There are four lanes players are fighting over to take down their opponent. They’ll use a combination of creatures, spells, and buildings to whittle the other player to 0 life.
Like any good card game, Card Wars has tons of abilities, combos, and mechanics to satisfy any sort of player.
The new packs include a brand new faction courtesy of Flame Princess. The LavaFlats are perfect for, you guessed it, burning your opponent to the ground. Maybe by getting to Tier 15! But in addition to the new faction, new abilities, and mechanics, there’s a brand new cooperative game mode: Darklands!
In Darklands, players work together to take down The Overlord, while battling an army of shadow creatures. It works kinda like a tower defense game where the monsters will march forward. The players lose if too many monsters get through unscathed. But if the players can get the Overlord down to 0 hp before that happens, they win!
Card Wars is currently on Kickstarter. Go check out the campaign now for all the details and other goodies you can pick up as well, like Booster Collection boxes!