Star Wars: Are You Sure This Ship Isn’t From ‘The Goonies’? We Breakdown the Onyx Cinder

I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be out of place to discover a map to One-Eyed Willy’s lost treasure in the databanks of the Onyx Cinder.
Of all the ships in the galaxy, none may have as raucous a tale as that of the Onyx Cinder. Originally a Repulic credit chip transport ship, the vessel was taken by pirates at least twice, has had the misfortune to lose at least one entire crew, and smells funny.
And while all that is true, it is also true that the Onyx Cinder has saved the lives of a group of younglings, escaped from derelictdom, and helped us all learn a little something about friendship. Packed with more tales than an Ewok adventure, full of more treasure than a mere spice runner could ever dream of, the Onyx Cinder has secured a place in galactic legend.
But what exactly was it? And what made it so special? The answer to that lies in the mythical treasure world of the Old Republic known as At Attin.
The Onyx Cinder – Design and Capabilities
The Onyx Cinder was originally a specialized transport ship in the days of the Old Galactic Republic. Specifically, it was designed to carry Republic Credit Chips from one of the secret chip mint worlds, known colloquially as Jewels of the Republic. Owing to the secrecy of the mint worlds, the Onyx Cinder has no known maker, though one can see the general design principles of the Republic in its hull design.
Similar to one of the many light freighters, the ship was equipped with a moderately armored hull that boasted a large viewing window in its cockpit. With comfort in mind for pilot, copilot, and navigator, the ship was outfitted surprisingly well for a mere transport ship.
It carried a hyperdrive and eight engines. Four engines were stationary, while four others were installed in rotating mounts, allowing it to land in hard-to-reach places. A single cargo lifting arm helped the ship load its valuable cargo. And it likely originally carried two dorsal laser cannon turrets for protection. Though more weaponry and armor was added after the infamous pirate Tak Rennod captured it.
Tak Rennod, being a pirate with as much ambition as daring, outfitted the Onyx Cinder with a special armored hull sleeve. This not only gave it the appearance of an older, more damaged ship, it also concealed five larger dual laser cannons, significantly boosting the ship’s firepower. In an emergency, the hull sleeve could be detonated, though what exactly Rennod had planned that for, few can say.
A Jewel of the Republic – History of the Onyx Cinder
At some point before the Clone Wars, the locations of Republic mint worlds were a closely guarded secret. Over the years, their existence became myth—many referred to them as treasure planets. Including Tak Rennod, an legendary pirate who had his sensors locked on to the idea of finding a lost treasure planet.
Over the course of his search, he learned the nature of the planet At Attin. As a Republic mint world, it was protected by a special barrier – only authorized ships could pass through. Which is why Captain Rennod decided to take an authorized ship as a prize.
With mountains of Republic chips appearing like a dream before him, Rennod hired a crew and left plans for his daring heist in Skull Ridge Mountain. Rennod and his crew, and the first mate, a droid known as SM-33, the pirates breached the barrier of At Attin, only to crash land before they could carry out their heist.
After the rough landing, Rennod’s crew mutineed, and the pirate captain was forced to kill them all, save for SM-33.
A Skeleton Crew
After the mutiny, the Onyx Cinder was forgotten, buried beneath the dirt of At Attin. Until it was discovered by a group of younglings who mistook its entry port for a buried entrance to a Jedi Temple. After a surprise appearance by SM-33, one of the younglings, Fern, declared that she had killed the captain and was the rightful owner of the ship.
Luckily for Fern and the other younglings, the ruse worked. And SM-33 turned over control of the Onyx Cinder to its new captain as they set off on a whole new adventure – one that would see them all return to the very place Captain Rennod never managed to rob. Evading pirates, scoundrels, and worse along the way, the Onyx Cinder and its skeleton crew have sealed their place in galactic legend.
Now if only they could find another treasure map…