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Star Wars: Shatterpoint – ‘Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack’ Rules Preview

5 Minute Read
Feb 14 2025

Jedi Master Kit Fisto and his ally Nahdar Vebb are getting a Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Time to send in the clones!

Atomic Mass Games has previewed the rules for the upcoming Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack. This pack features Jedi Master Kit Fisto, Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb, and the clone troopers of CC-3714, aka Fil’s Squad. Let’s see what these defenders of the Galactic Republic can do on the tabletop.

via Atomic Mass Games

The bond between Master Fisto and Nahdar Vebb predates the Clone Wars, when Nahdar served as Fisto’s padawan. The Jedi master’s duties fighting on Geonosis would see the two separated but they were eventually reunited. Clone Commander Fil and his squad joined them while chasing down a leader of the Separatist Council, an extended and difficult mission. It later came to light they had been manipulated by Count Dooku to be placed in the path of General Grievous, lured into his well-fortified lair. This clash would end in tragedy for the squad. While Fisto would escape to continue the fight elsewhere, he would eventually face his demise confronting Darth Sidious alongside Mace Windu and other Jedi Masters of the Council.

Jedi Master Kit Fisto

Kit Fisto joins the game and brings 8SP and 3 Force Points to kick things off as the Primary Unit for the Squad Pack. He’s got all the tools of a Jedi Master at his disposal as well. As you can see from the card above his Force Speed, Riposte, and Supporting Fire are all going to be quite useful. His signature ability is the aptly named I’m Afraid I Must Request Your Surrender. This one is neat because it changes based on his combat stance. Speaking of which, Jedi Master Kit Fisto has two different combat stances to use.

Form I Shii-Cho is the more defensive option. It’s really more “balanced” than defensive, but when you compare it to Form IV Ataru you can see why it’s “defensive” relatively speaking. Form I does allow for good damage output while maintaining a good defensive stats. Form IV, however, sacrifices that defense for a lot more raw damage potential. There’s a reason Form IV is considered the “aggressive” stance.


Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb

Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb fights ably alongside Kit Fisto, proving his dauntless courage. His time fighting in the war and enduring the horrors of battle hardened Vebb, giving him a taste for vengeance. He shows no hesitation confronting his most potent enemies and is capable of tying up such foes and possibly even finishing them himself.

For 5PC Nahdar Vebb is a Seconday Unit that is going to have to do quite a bit of work on the tabletop for you. So don’t be afraid to put his skills to the test. Looking over his card it’s easy to see how Vebb has been “hardened” by battles. With skill names like the ones above it seems like he’s got a taste for violence. He’s really geared for attacking Primary or Secondary characters. That aggression carries over into his combat stance. Want to guess which Form he uses?

Hey, look at that! Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb is using Form IV Ataru…the aggressive stance. What were the odds. Anyhow, you can see the damage potential here vs the defensive stats. It shouldn’t be a huge surprise there.


CC-3714 Clone Commander Fil


Clone Commander Fil is actually a second Secondary Unit in this box. He also costs 3PC to take in your Squad. Both Fil and his squad can also use the We Can Take Him Down Easy ability that lets them trade in a Force token to add 2 dice to an attack roll. Fil’s squad was also known for their discipline and skills. That’s reflected in his Commanding Presence ability. This allows his Squad to avoid taking a condition in exchange for minor damage — a sign they were there to finish the job and not let anything slow them down.

Commander Fil is a more well-rounded threat with solid defenses all around and decent damage output from range or up close. He’s a more level-headed Secondary Unit for sure.

Fil’s Clones

As far as the Clone Troopers themselves, they have their own set of abilities. I’ve said this before but I have a hard time judging Support Units. They only cost 3PC and seem mostly okay — but Supporting Units always end up saving the day or being completely useless in my games. At least these clones are combat vets and seem like they have some good firepower if you want to bring them.


Don’t forget that you can bump up their attack vs Primary Characters, too. That’s a 9 die attack with blasters…that seems deadly to me!

Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack is coming out on March 28, 2025. It’s currently up for Pre-order right now.

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack $59.99

The Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack brings characters from the heart of the Clone Wars to Star Wars™: Shatterpoint! Taking it right to the Separatists, Jedi Master Kit Fisto, his Padawan turned Jedi Knight, Nahdar Vebb and Clone Commander Fil along with Fil’s Clones are in this pack. 

Providing a strategic addition to the Jedi and Clone units in this pack, players will get another big boost of Jedi and Jedi support units. These are dynamic poses that show off how well Star Wars: Shatterpoint can capture the Clone Wars era. 



It’s time to take the fight to the Separatists and request their surrender…

Author: Adam Harrison
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