Warhammer 40,000: Astra Militarum Combat Patrol Pricing Breakdown

The Astra Militarum are getting a new Combat Patrol. But will it be worth the price of admission? Time to do some math to find out!
In case you missed it, the Astra Militarum are getting a new Combat Patrol for pre-order this weekend. Price-wise, all the Combat Patrols are $168. Since we know the contents and none of the kits in the new Combat Patrol are Death Korps, we can figure out the total savings from this set. So let’s bust out the napkins and get our math skills out.
Astra Militarum Combat Patrol Pricing Breakdown
Astra Militarum Combat Patrol Contents:
Kasrkin = $65 (based on Kill Team box price)
2 sets of Rough Riders = $125
Cadian Command Squad = $45
Total Individual MSPR: $235
Total Savings: $67
Obviously we’ve got a major caveat here. That’s the fact that we’re basing the price of the Kasrkin on the Kill Team Box. Unfortunately that’s really the only place to get your hands on those miniatures from Games Workshop at this time. So that’s the price I’m sticking with.
On the flip side, if you do buy the Kasrkin Kill Team at full price you’d get all their components for use in Kill Team, too. So I’m not sure it’s a bad comparison or not. If anything, the Combat Patrol is going to short you the contents for the Kill Team stuff. Eh, whatever — we’re just splitting hairs here.
At the end of the day the Combat Patrol is saving you (basically) the box cost of the Kasrkin or one of the Rough Rider squads. So that’s not a bad deal. But you know what? Let’s see how many points this Combat Patrol is bringing as well.
Kasrkin = 110 points
Cadian Command Squad = 65 points
10x Rough Riders = 120 points
Combat Patrol Points Total: 295
So this Combat Patrol is only going to net you 295 points on the tabletop. To be fair, that’s kind of the issue with the Astra Militarum in terms of building an army. You typically don’t get a lot of points per box — unless you invest in tanks or other heavy armor.
It’s also worth noting that majority of the units in this box are currently sold out on GW’s US website. So if you DID want to get Rough Riders or a Cadian Command Squad, this Combat Patrol box is your best bet.
So is this one worth it? I think if you’re looking to start an Astra Militarum Army you could make worse purchases. At least in terms of deals. However, the AM is one of those armies that you really should plan out before you buy. Thankfully, their points are free to download. So I’d suggest starting there. It can be a very expensive army depending on how you build it. So do some legwork before you pull that trigger.
What do you think of the savings on the Astra Militarum Combat Patrol?