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Warhammer 40K: Chaos Collectors This One’s For You

3 Minute Read
Feb 10 2025
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Game Workshop is doing something devious to the Warhammer 40k Limited Edition Chaos Codexes. Gotta Catch’em All!

If you fancy yourself a Chaos loyalist then this is either really great news or really scary news — for your wallet. The new Chaos Limited Edition Codexes are going to be a collector’s dream. They’ve got some really great extras in there packaging and I’m not just talking about the bookmarks.

via Warhammer Community

These include six accursed metal objective markers, and five art cards featuring gruesome art that delves into the very stuff of Chaos.

Each tome comes with one quarter of a metallic Chaos medallion dedicated to its patron god. Collect them all, and all four segments will clip together through the dark power of Chaos.

Grand Symbol of Chaos Undivided

Okay. That’s pretty awesome. Normally, I don’t really give these Collector/Special/Limited Edition Codexes a thought. They often sell out before I can get my pre-order in anyhow and I also prefer books I’ll take to the tabletop with me. But this…okay, this makes me sit up and take notice.


Having all four pieces to from a Chaos Undivided symbol is pretty appealing. I’m a long time Chaos player and I wasn’t considering the codexes for the Chaos factions I don’t play. But now? Part of me is thinking “Yeah, this could be worth it just as a collector.” And the other part of me is saying “Maybe I’ll even play Emperor’s Children!”

Anyhow, this is just the first in the series. If you DO manage to get all four of the Limited Edition Chaos Codexes than congratulations! You can make that awesome Grand Symbol of Chaos Undivided. It’s a great way to show off that you’ve got more dollars than sense.

To be fair, that is an impressive looking book cover. Again, it’s for the collectors out there and this would be quite a series to have on display. I feel a little bad because I know there’s going to be some EC players out there that aren’t going to get a chance to snag one of these. At least the standard edition will also be out soon, too!



Must. Resist. The. Call. Of. Chaos…

Author: Adam Harrison
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