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Warhammer 40K: Index Check-In

3 Minute Read
Feb 25 2025

Warhammer 40,000 10th edition was released in June of 2023. How many armies are still using Indexes since launch?

We’re not quite two years out from the launch of 40k but we’ll be celebrating that milestone in June. That said, I started to wonder about the Codexes vs Index issue when I wrote up my thoughts on the best time to play a new edition of a Warhammer Game. As most veterans know there’s a point in the edition where you’ve basically got “the haves vs the have-nots” when it comes to rules/codexes. I was wondering if we’re hitting that point now.

2025 will be chaos for the foreseeable future. The Emperor’s Children are about to drop in and be the vanguard for the rest of the Chaos Space Marine cult troop off shoots. Don’t get me wrong as I’m not complaining! However, looking at the Index list and knowing these three armies are ALSO about to get Codexes means the imbalance is about to be real.

Warhammer 40K Index Check-in

As of writing this, there are currently 13 armies that still have Indexes available on the WarCom downloads page. One of those Indexes is the Astra Militarum one and that one is likely to get pulled in the very near future. The 14th download is the update/errata to the Index Cards. So that leaves the following armies with Indexes currently:

  • Chaos Daemons
  • Drukhari
  • Space Wolves
  • Death Guard
  • Astra Militarum*
  • Imperial Knights
  • Thousand Sons
  • Leagues of Votann
  • World Eaters
  • Grey Knights
  • Black Templars
  • Chaos Knights
  • Emperor’s Children

*You might want to download this now if you haven’t already. It’s likely about to be obsolete very soon.

Of that list, there’s really 12 Indexes that are still going be used moving forward. But I have a feeling that the Chaos codexes are going to come out pretty quickly. That’s another 4 off the Index list — probably by Summer 2025 if I had to guess. That will leave 8 armies left that don’t have Indexes.

The Tipping Point?


So have we hit that tipping point yet? Is it the 10th edition era of “haves vs have-nots?” Are the Index armies getting to the point of obsolescence? On paper it’s certainly looking that way — at least in terms of Codexes vs Indexes.

That said, not all is lost if you’re still using your Index army. GW does balance things using the Balance Dataslate and the Munitorum Field Manual. Both of which got updated recently. If you haven’t check on those recently you probably should.

I know that’s not the most comforting thing if you’re still using an Index that you’ve had for the past 21-ish months. Especially if the army across from you is getting to use their shiny new codex. Just remember if you can’t beat them you can always join them. Or at least swap to Combat Patrol games for a bit…


Are you play a “Have” or a “Have-not” army?


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer: Two Collectible Coins This March From Games Workshop