Warhammer 40K: Krieg Command Squad & Heavy Weapon Teams Up Close

The Death Korps of Krieg are getting their big release this weekend. Here’s the new Command Squad and Heavy Weapon Teams up close!
We already covered the contents of the Death Korps of Krieg Army box a few weeks ago. Now that the Astra Militarum are getting their full release this weekend we’re tackling the newer kits with the Command Squad and the Heavy Weapon Team. So let’s take closer look at these miniatures!
Death Corps of Krieg Command Squad
The Command Squad is looking mighty Death Korpsy. I really like the style and details of this Command Squad. You can tell they’ve seen some stuff in battle and lived to lead on. The minis themselves do have different options as you assemble them. So be sure to hobby them to your tastes. Goatboy built these and he went with more “box art” options for the miniatures.
Personally, I really like the standard a lot. I’ve never been much of a freehand painter and I really don’t enjoy using decals. So when the flags and banners have the images on them I prefer that over a blank canvas.
Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Weapon Team
The Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Weapon Team does have one big change vs some of the other Astra Militarum kits. The “spotter” isn’t on the same base as the weapon. Now, I’m not sure why the change for the Death Korps…But I’m okay with it! I still think the miniature has quite a “diorama” like look to it. The Kit also comes with other weapon options. Goatboy went with the Flamer as you can see above.
The Death Korps of Krieg are on the march this weekend from Games Workshop. You can pick up these kits and more from GW or you can pre-order them from your FLGS!
What Death Korps of Krieg Kits are you wanting to pick-up?
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