Warhammer 40K Next Week – Astra Militarum Codex, Minis, And More

Next week’s Warhammer 40K pre-orders feature everyone’s favorite guardians of the Imperium – the Astra Militarum, with a shiny new Codex.
The Astra Militarum come thundering onto the battlefield with a new Codex and plenty of heavy fire support. Thinking about it, the heavy fire support is proably where most of the thunder comes from. But thunder there is.
Accompanying the new codex are a host of new Militarum minis, including the most 40K “horse” I’ve ever seen. That is to say it’s cool to look at from a distance and utterly horrifying to think about. Naturally let’s get up close and personal with the upcoming releases.
Astra Militarum Pre-Orders – New Codex, More Horse

It all kicks off with a new Codex. Next week’s pre-orders have the Astra Militarum Codex leading the charge. And why wouldn’t it, after all? It’s got all the rules you need for five specialized Detachments, unique enhancements and Stratagems for each, plus Combat Patrol rules for everyone in the Militarum.

Next week also sees the pre-order release of a number of new minis from the Death Korps of Krieg. Starting with Lord Marshal Dreir and his loyal steed ES819 – and here we get to the single most 40K “horse” I’ve seen. First, it definitely was a horse at some point. But it’s been “rebuilt” over the years, and now has clawed feet and other, less visible augmetics. Probably best not to imagine what’s under the gas mask.

The Krieg Command Squad, on the other hand, are perfectly fine, despite the high rate of attrition that routinely sees squad turnover. But even a Prefectus Militant will do if needs must.

The Death Riders of Krieg have slightly less terrifying steeds. But only slightly. They make up for this fact by wielding frag tipped explosive lances that can’t be good for anyone.

The Krieg Combat Engineers really put the Combat into the phrase. They specialize in frontal assaults with short ranged weapons and a large remote mine that’s anything but inconspicuous.

The Death Korps of Krieg have all new miniatures to match their die-hard approach to warfare.

Of course, it wouldn’t be Krieg without their own specialized heavy weapons squad. The secret sauce is having a Fire Coordinator to make sure the rate of fire is maximized, including one final volley upon the unit’s inevitable death.

Back up those big guns with even bigger guns in the form of an Artillery Team. Each team can be mounted with four different weapon options and has a wide array of crew poses and decor.

But it’s not all Krieg this week! As part of the Astra Militarum pre-orders, you can snag an Astra Militarum Combat Patrol that incorporates many of tthe specialized units in the Militarum. There’s Rough Riders, Kasrkin sharpshooters, and a Cadian Command Squad.

Finally, a new narrative expansion: Warhammer 40K Crusade: Nachmund Gauntlet. This campaignn book has rules for an expanded Crusade campaign set in the Sangua Terran War. There are rules for Surgical Deep Strikes plus hordes of new missions for your narrative games.
All this, next week!