Warhammer 40K: Returning To The Nachmund Gauntlet

Haarken Worldclaimer is back on the attack in Warhammer 40,000’s narrative. We’re returning to the Nachmund Guantlet!
It appears that Abaddon’s lieutenant Haarken Worldclaimer is getting another shot at glory. The Warhammer 40k narrative is taking us back to the vital Nachmund Guantlet and this time we’re visiting the southern side of the corridor.
“Haarken Worldclaimer has returned, and has pledged to drive his spear into the Imperium’s defences at the terminus of the Nachmund Gauntlet. The new book details his assault on the fortified planet of Sangua Terra. Before him stands the Sanctus Wall – a reinforced bastion of four entire systems poised to defend the pathway to Terra – and a united conglomeration of Imperial troops joined by Canoness Superior Junith Eruita and her War of Faith.“
The Nachmund Sub-Sector
This map of the Nachmund Sub-sector is from the Vigilus campaign. With the return to the Nachmund Gauntlet, we’re actually heading to the opposite end of the pathway. We’re going to the Sangua Terra-side of the pass.
The Imperial forces may have held Vigilus but they took some heavy losses. And now Haarken Worldclaimer is back to attack once again. This really seems like an all-or-nothing victory for the Imperium. If one side is secure and the other isn’t, well, that doesn’t do them much good. All Chaos needs to do is secure one end of this pass to create a major problem for the Imperium.
That said, he doesn’t have an easy target. The Imperium knows how important this sector is. Naturally, they have poured a lot of resources into fortifying it as well. That’s really the stage we find ourselves in with this new Crusade book.
“Worldclaimer’s invasion takes place over 40+ pages of background lore interspersed with tactical diagrams, beautiful artwork, and in-depth records of the forces deployed in the Sangua Terran War. The fall of this vital bastion would have grave implications for the Gauntlet, and its defence will call upon heroes as mighty as the Living Saint Celestine.”
Personally, I’m curious about those 40+ pages of lore. Again, this is a pivotal area for the Imperium. It was even teased at the end of the Vigilus campaign as a next target and, well, here we are. I’m curious to know if and when we’ll get a resolution to this one. It feels like there’s a lot of setup here and there could be a crazy pay off. At the same time, we could see GW just sort of sit on the outcome for a bit. Who knows!? Maybe they’ll let the players decide in a massive Grand Narrative event or something crazy.
Narrative Campaign Rules
One other thing to note is that this IS a narrative campaign and comes with some fun rules to play around with. Ideally, you’ll have a Campaign Master help guide and assign things that are thematically appropriate for the characters running around. GW gave the examples of Worldclaimer getting the “Front-Line Champion” ability. And the Living Saint Celestine getting the “Inspirational Champion” ability.
There are also alternative rules in the book to use. The Tactical Reserves changes, for example, can really change up your games.
“Rather than deploying everything in the usual manner, armies are split up into reinforcement waves that enter the field at different times, with only your Primary wave – encompassing roughly half your points total – taking the field at the start of the game.
Later, at the start of the second and third battle rounds, one reinforcement wave of your choice will join the fight, and you only need to decide which as they’re about to come in. You can choose up to three of these waves before the game begins, expanding your tactical options and letting you pick whichever two are best suited to the ongoing flow of the battle.”
Additionally, there’s new missions to try, thematic Battle Traits to use, and Crusade Relics to bust out. This is a rather expansive campaign supplement for fans of that play style.
The Nachmund Gauntlet – Crusade book is up for pre-order this weekend from Games Workshop. Muster your forces and get ready to fight for the Sanctus Wall!