Warhammer 40K: Space Marines Are On Top Again – Here’s Why

Goatboy here to answer the burning question going around 40K 10th Edition right now – why are Marines doing so well?
There’s a question I have had as of late as I watch War Games live broadcasting at an event, seeing friends talk about events they just played at, and some of the “pros” playing the poster boys of the 40k universe. It seems Space Marines might actually be really good right now! I know they always hover in the below 50% rankings a lot of the time but I am starting to wonder if that is more so the quantity of players instead of the actual quality of the army? So the question I am asking is why are Marines doing pretty well right now in late 10th Edition?
Space Marines is a Large Deep Rules Faction
I think the first thing you can look at is how deep of an army choice it is. You have a ton of detachment options, a ton of unit options, and actually a ton of different armies you can play. Really I think the biggest thing is that if you want to find your play style you can probably find it within the Marine codex, the plethora of Supplements, and just some of the digital bits we got this past Grotmas. There is just so much stuff in that codex.
The only thing it doesn’t have is a ton of FW stuff but that is probably for the best. There are just so many different marine choices you can pick. The current good stuff right now you see is a lot of version of the Ultramarine builds most likely due to having some of the strongest characters in the game. Between Roboute, Calgar, and Uriel you have a ton of options to power up your army. Heck there are a ton of other special characters that are somehow surviving the resin culling and live on to tell the tale. You know a simple tweak, a new detachment, and update will amplify those jerks. Heck I bet we see some of them get “powered” up in a release in the future as they stayed alive currently in the game.
Enough Units for Any Playstyle
Really the unit options is probably what pushes it ahead too. You have so many options to create your play style that you can easily find something that drives your competitive edge. Do you like Tanks and dead dudes in robot suits? There is an army for you. How about a sneaky force that can show up all over the place? We got some of the those guys too. Do you want a hero hammer style of army that has a ton of super cool characters that might be Space Vampires? Hey we got you.
Really this deep set of rules and options just creates all kinds of opportunities for those players who crave a good and challenging army. I don’t think it is an auto win button by any means but it at least provides you ample places to outplay your opponent. This is what any decent army wants the ability to do well if you play well. I know we all want over powered nonsense at times but having something that takes skill define your army usefulness will most likely mean it won’t get hit by the nerf bat or data slate kneecap.
Easy To Collect Faction
Oh and the army being one of the few you can easily get the parts for with any kind of search on the used model market, combat patrols, or just seeing if you buddy has a pile of it in his plastic shame pit. I know that it can be a boring army but with today’s push for “paint” it what you like as long as it is battle ready you can easily have a unique looking Marine build that is good, looks great, and is fun to play with on the table top.
Right now I am fluctuating with trying to finish up this Blood Angel build inspired by the list I wrote about from Jack last week. I have a few more pieces to build up, some small conversion work, and even a display board. I don’t know if I will go thru with it as again the drive of Chaos and lack of needing to paint anything wins out a lot of the time in the end but going Marines isn’t a bad thing. It isn’t the boring option on the table top and I expect a few more high level players to try it out and terrorize people with a weird almost home brew style Marine list at the next even you go too.
And They Shall Know No Fear!