Warhammer 40K: Top 5 Things Missing from Codex: Aeldari

Goatboy here and there are some things I feel that are missing from the Aeldari codex that could have been awesome to have. Why GW, WHY!?
I mean it’s awesome for my Aeldari friends, as I won’t be playing the sneaky Elves. Well, not right now anyway. Still I feel like we have some missing pieces that would have been awesome to have. The new 10th Edition codex is pretty dang big but there are some holes that could have been easily filled to give a much more rounded book.
5. Autarch on Jetbike
The Shining Spears do not have a Phoenix Lord right now (Drastanta, where are you)? So why haven’t we had a cool Jetbike leader that isn’t a Farseer. Where is the King of the Windriders? Where is the mounted hero who can zip around, maybe carry a Melta pistol, and just be a pain in the butt to deal with? It just feels weird that such a simple model could easily be designed, printed, and given to those poor ole Aeldari players hungry for a cool jet bike dude. We used to have a mounted Autarch, back in the day on the old-school chopper Jetbike, but alas, no new one.
4. Corsair Leader & Armylist
This is another weird one where they have some cool kill team models but no real way to string it all together. Are they Ynarri? Are they a weird space-based Pirate faction? Is this just a way to say hey all your Killteam stuff is still usable in 40k? I got some questions about why this is even in the book. The corsairs now have been in two Aeldari codexes in this weird nether-world of being included, and useless, with half baked rules. It looks like GW has future plans for them, but they aren’t ready for prime-time now.
3. Yriel, Where Did He Go?
This is a no brainer and thought the Aspect host would push it more. While it isn’t a bad detachment it should have pushed things farther. Plus they could have had a new model that leads the Corsairs and kinda brings it all together. I mean come on, Yriel and his Eldritch Raiders are the OG Eldar Pirates, going way back to Rogue Trader in the 1980s. He PREDATES the entire concept of Craftworld Eldar/Aspect Warriors. Get that man a new fancy model!
2. New Vyper
Man is this model old – and may be the oldest legal mini in 40K right now. Why haven’t they just built a new update that has a few more options, looks more dynamic, and is just cooler? I am glad we got the Aspect warriors updated but this is a super old kit limping along to the finish line. How many are we going to see at events with multiple layers of paint and missing that dang cockpit plastic piece? It still looks OK, and was a stunning mini for it’s debuy in 2001, but it’s 2025 now. A LOT could be done to make a next generation Vyper look amazing.
1. Dinosaur Aeldari!
I don’t care what anyone says, we need those Dinosaur Aeldari asap. Where are my Exodites? This is one of those no brainer style updates that I question why GW waited so long. We ALREADY have Dark Elves riding dinosaurs in Warhammer Fantasy, and it was one of the COOLEST MODELS over there! We need Aeldari riding big ole lizards wrecking things with super cool space-lasers.
It just feels like something that should be done. Heck just start it with a Killteam update the lets you add some cool dinosaur stuff on your existing models. Let them be a weird army someone discovered due to some kill teams looking for a power source on a planet and all of a sudden you got screeches coming from the tree as your scouts have to run away from angry space lizards made you tried to steal their crystals of doom. Just do it James Workshop and stop being a dino-fearing coward.
What do you wish was in Codex Aeldari?