‘Warhammer: The Old World’- Six Accessories To Help You Play Better

Take a look at some cool gear that can help you get more out of your games of Warhammer: The Old World
The Old World has been out for over a year. It’s getting regular releases and updates. Overall it’s a great game. However playing a game of Warhammer can be hard and exhausting. So today I wanted to look at some accessories and gear you can bring along to help make your games go more smoothly and even speed up game play. For this I’m assuming you have the very basics, models, rules, dice and a tape measure (and all the FAQs, which a surprising number of people have never seen). But what if you want more and want to up your game? Well here are some great options.
6. Dice Trays
A dice tray or box is simply an enclosed area to roll your dice. They come in various shapes and sizes and can be as simple as a card board box or as fancy as a whole castle with dragons. There is really endless variety here. The idea here is to give you a space to roll where the dice won’t go off the table or hit models and are also easy to read. Some people really like them and think they make the game easier and more fair. You do want to be careful about things like scatter dice, those you’ll still want to roll on the table near the effect. You can also add a dice tower to these if you want, but due to the volume of dice you roll in ToW I’m personally not fan of the towers.
5. Wheeling Aid
Wheeling can be one of the more complicated parts of the game and it’s very hard to get the actual distance right. Now I’m of the thought that most of the time it doesn’t matter all that much, especially in casual games. But there are times it does really matter and some people really care about. To help with this you can get your hands on a number of wheeling aids out there. I was sent a copy (disclaimer, this was sent to be for free, but without any exceptions and my thoughts here are my own, I make nothing from this) of the Wheeler. This aid is being made by an Italian group and I really like it.
You simply slot it into the corner of you unit and move along the dial to see how far you go. I really like this one because unlike some others I’ve tried its very thin and can just slide under a unit without having to really lift the unit up or disturb it. It does rely on some math to tell you have far its gone, but the wheeler does most of that for you and I assume that the makers got their math right. If you’d like to get one it is on Kickstarter right now for the next few days and has fully funded. You can check it out here.
4. Laser Guides and Arc Gauges
Laser pointers or guides are a pretty common accessor for Warhammer games. They come in all shapes and varieties. They can be super useful for checking line of sight. In ToW they are also maybe more useful it measuring out arcs on units. Having one around can help settle some tricky disputes quickly and without hard feelings.
If you don’t want to go for a full laser points, or want something to aid it, an arc templet/gauge can also be useful. This is the little pointy bit in the picture above (that one is from 8th Ed WFB). It goes on the corner of a unit and helps you see the arcs. You can then run a laser line using it as a guide.
3. Carrying Tray
A carrying tray might not help you play, but it will help you start playing. These are hugely useful, especially at events. It lets you have you army all ready for easy deployment speeding up the start of the game. They also simply help you get you models around a store or event location quickly and without breaking them. They came in all different shapes and sizes and some can be broken down for travel (such as this one). The more upgraded version would be a full display board you can carry or wheel around, but this is a great option for using with multiple armies.
Bonus- Good Shoes
As a bonus, while we are talking about events, make sure you have some good shoes. Even a normal game can result in you being on your feet a lot. Events may have you standing for hours, often on concert while you play. No one wants back pain.
2. Movement Trays
This is probably the single most important accessory you can have and I’d go so far as to say that for most armies it’s mandatory. These are the little sister of the carrying tray and you have one for each unit to stand on and help you move them around. I mean, I really hope I don’t have to tell you what a movement tray is, but that’s what it is. You want at least one for each unit in your army, and sometimes more.
They have be made of lots of materials and even be magnetized or slotted. If you don’t have all your ranked up models on them, then honestly you have a problem. These are the biggest aids to accurate and timely play you can have. You can find plenty of places to buy them in all types of materials. I personally like Isekai Heavy Industries over on etsy (run by a fellow old world player who makes a lot lot more than just movement trays), but there are endless options.
1. A Nice Cold Beverage of Choice
Look at the end of the day Warhammer is about having fun. Having a nice drink while playing only enhances the game in my eyes. If you don’t drink, that’s fine, even a N/A drink is fun and can help keep you hydrated and chill. If you do drink and are of age, well I can’t think of a single game of Warhammer I’ve played that hasn’t been enhances by some responsible and legal imbibing. Whatever you do, the key is just to chill and have fun, even if its a tournament. Relax.
Let us know what aids you use to enhance your gameplay, down in the comments!