Age of Sigmar: Blacktalon Gives Us A Look At The Mortals In The Mortal Realms

Blacktalon’s new season takes us face to face with the faceless masses of mortals in the Mortal Realms. And I’m here for it.
One of the things I have always found interesting about Warhammer — both 40k and Age of Sigmar — is “what about about the regular people?” That’s one of the reasons I really liked the shipping containers terrain from 40k. I can picture those containers on a ship or in transport to some dock worker in the galaxy. It’s just a peek inside the lives of what normal people see in their respective universes.
That’s why I’m glad to see Blacktalon taking to the streets of Hammerhal in the new season. Minor spoilers ahead.
Blacktalon Episode 2 – Taking It To The Streets
While the heroes of Blacktalon are of course Neave and her band of hunters, this season of Blacktalon has also given us a chance to spend some time in the great city of Hammerhal Aqsha, and glimpse the lives of the mortals who inhabit the warmer half of the Twin-Tailed City.
This is pretty cool for fans of the Mortal Realms, as it’s something that is only hinted at in our Battletomes, while our miniatures (for very sensible reasons) all tend to be soldiers as opposed to civilians.
Now, if you’re not caught up on the show and don’t want spoilers, this is a good chance to exit.
Still here? Okay, again, minor spoilers ahead.
The Blacktalon crew is on the hunt once again. This time around it’s not just a single person either. They are after an entire cult. Considering the cultists are everyday people in Hammerhal, you can see how this could be a problem rooting them out.
Plus it’s not like these Stormcast Eternals can just put on regular clothes and try to blend in…
Instead, we’ve got scenes with the Freeguild Guards “interacting” with the populace, too. They are looking for the Mark of Ruin, which, due to the weather in Hammerhal is easily hidden. Everyone wears cloaks and hoods after all!
Again, it might seem like a small thing to the casual observer. But for me, as a fan of Warhammer, it’s a treat to see the regular folks interact with these super-human fighters and even the mortal military elements. It’s the same sort of vibes when you’re playing Space Marine 2 and you see how much smaller the guardsmen are compared to Titus — and how they react to seeing a real, live Adeptus Astartes.
I just think it adds that human element to the story and helps make things seem a bit more real. Not everyone is infused with god-powers or genetically enhanced super-humans. There’s still regular people that have to survive in the Grimdark and the Mortal Realms. It’s just nice to see them even experiencing life for once.
“There is only war…” except for the places where it hasn’t reached yet.