Champions of Rokugan: Legends of the Five Rings Board Game Crowdfunding Campaign Coming Soon

Monolith Board Games is back with another franchise I’ve been missing. Champions of Rokugan is getting a Gamefound Campaign in Q2 2025!
This is one I did not have on my bingo card but here we are! Monolith Games is preparing to launch another Gamefound Campaign. This time around it’s for The Legends of the Five Rings franchise. Say hello to Champions of Rokugan!
Champions of Rokugan
So far… sounds good. I’d be down for a 1-5 player co-op game. On top of that the miniatures that have been teased are looking great.
Those are pretty cool sculpts!
While the miniatures certainly caught my eye what really got my attention was the art style. I was a fan of the Legend of the Five Rings: LCG from FFG when it was in print. This art and style sure looks familiar!
Unfortunately the LCG is no longer available from FFG. It’s a bummer, too. And while the RPG system tried to fill that void it just wasn’t quite the itch I needed scratched. That’s why I’m hopeful that this spin on the Legend of the Five Rings works out better.
From the looks of the teaser, the game play is going to be based on a custom dice set representing the five elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Void. These are rather important to the mythos of L5R so it’s good to see them making a return in this fashion. As far as the rest of the mechanics and contents for this one, well, it’s still too early.
The campaign is scheduled for Q2 2025 — which is quickly approaching! If you’re interested you can toss them a follow on Gamefound. I’m planning on doing that just to keep tabs on this one. I’m a bit unsure if I’ll be throwing any money at this one but I do hope it succeeds and turns out to be a hit. Let’s say I’m cautiously optimistic on this one.
Legend of the Five Rings in Board Game form? You have my attention.