‘D&D: The Malady of Minarrh’ – A New Adventure From Anjali Bhimani

Award-winning actress and one-time queen of Vegetania, Anjali Bhimani has a new adventure on D&D Beyond, Malady of Minarrh.
Anjali Bhimani loves D&D. So much so that, in additionto being known for roles like Symmetra from Overwatch, Rampart from Apex Legends, or Auntie Ruby from Ms. Marvel, you might also know her from stellar turns in D&D live plays. She was Fy’ra Rai in Critical Role‘s Exandria Unlimited: Prime, Lady Amangeaux in Dimension 20’s The Ravening War, and Sitara on DesiQuest.
All that to say, there’s a lot of love—and experience with the game—to be found in a new adventure that just hit D&D Beyond this week. The Malady of Minarrh is a 5th-level adventure that blends adventure and horror.
As Bhimani puts it, she wanted to “capture that excitement of some of those classic adventures—along with a tiny touch of horror inspired by some of the games I’ve played in as an adult.” Meant to play out over 2-3 sessions, this standalone adventure is out now.
The Malady of Minarrh
As the name implies, in The Malady of Minarrh, the 5th level characters will be investigating a deadly plague. It being D&D, disease doesn’t just happen. It’s all due to a sinister, shadowy scourge. That’s not a spoiler.
After all, you don’t typically play D&D to recreate The Anatomy of Gray or the events of the Broad Street Cholera outbreak of 1854 (in which, infamously, someone named John Snow actually knows quite a lot). If there’s gonna be a mysterious disease that settles in, you play to the fantasy elements of the story and it’s either an evil wizard, a corrupting artifact, or some other thing causing it that you can go out and find and fix.
Because we like games of D&D in which we are empowered. Though now that I’ve said it, it probably could be fun cool to be a party of adventurers who just roll up on a town that’s suffering from a disease and then, one week of casting cure disease later, the town is saved. Everyone’s lives forever changed the day your adventurers graced their village, even if for you, it was Tuesday.
At any rate, here’s what to expect from the adventure:
“In this enthralling new 2–3 session adventure for level 5 characters, the party must uncover a sinister secret, explore hidden crypts and corridors, and overcome ancient evil forces in a climactic final battle.
When an unfortunate discovery allows a deadly plague to threaten the gentle community of Minarrh, only curious and courageous adventurers can untangle the mystery, find the true nature of the scourge, destroy its source, and restore the townspeople’s faith in what matters most—each other.”
No sign-off line here, too busy trying to track down more Street Fighter movie clips!