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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Splash Down

3 Minute Read
Mar 18 2025

Games Workshop has unleashed a new Rumor Engine and it looks like we’ve got some splashing happening. But that’s assuming it’s water.

Welcome to another Tuesday! If you’re here you know what that means — it’s Rumor Engine time from Games Workshop. Today’s image is action packed. Well, maybe it’s more action posed. It’s something captured in motion at least. Have a look for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

When you get splashed with something in Warhammer, the chances of it being benign really aren’t high. If you’re in the Mortal Realms, it could be some cool and refreshing Aqua Ghyranis, at which point it’s like being showered in money. But if you’re in the 41st Millennium, it’s almost certainly either blood, ichor or acid. Bad luck.

Anyway, here’s a splash of some sort.

Rumor Engine – Splash Down

So I’m not sure if this is water. But it’s a liquid at least. What that liquid could be is anyone’s guess. I’m also wondering if maybe GW rotated the image at all. They have been known to do that on occasion. That said, the text makes a pretty good point. “Splashes” in Warhammer are rarely benign.

Since I’ve really got no idea what this could be I’m just going to list off some other “water” features we’ve had like this one in the past. The first thing that came to mind was a rather gross one.


The old school River Trolls came to my mind. Only because of that one who’s vomiting up stuff. Talk about a splash you don’t want to get touched by. I’m pretty sure that was an acid attack, too. Gross and deadly.

On the other end of the spectrum we have the tranquil Shrine Luminor. It has those pleasant waterfalls gently splashing down. Personally, I think this kit is pretty slick as those waterfalls are also anchor points for the miniature to “float” like that.

This one is a bit of a stretch but Lord Felthius and the Tainted Cohort are the best example I could find. What if the splash is some nasty ichor from a Nurgle daemon or unit. Sort of like Lord Felthius, but amped up to 11. That would be extra gross and gnarly.


Anyhow, the point is that this Rumor Engine is going to be hard to theorize on. However, if you’ve got a “water feature” that it makes you think of please share it with us in the comments. I’m curious to see what you think this one could be.


I really hope it’s a pleasant splash and not a gross, violent one…

Author: Adam Harrison
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