Halo: Flashpoint – Wave 2 Coming Soon With New Troops & Gear Options

Mantic Games has a preview for the upcoming Halo: Flashpoint Wave 2 coming on March 20, 2025. Time for some new Spartans to join the fight!
Halo: Flashpoint is off and running. Shipping on March 20, 2025 is the next wave for the tactical miniatures game! There’s a bunch of cool stuff on the way as well as even more miniature to collect and play.
Spartan Tactical Talk
Along with the new wave of miniatures, there’s also some really cool Spartan Tactics that Mantic covered recently. This one goes over the four new types of Spartans coming soon.
JFO Spartans – Joint Fires Observers are really there to provide you with long range and anti-armor support. They have either the Concussion Rifle or a H-165 Target Locator (so yeah, bring down that hammer, baby).
HAZOP Spartans – Hazardous Operability Spartans carry some absolutely brutal close combat weapon options. The can use the M45 Shotgun or the Paegaas Spike Rifle. Both of those weapons will allow you to end your targets with a quickness once they close the gap. Thankfully, they also have access to Flight which allows them to traverse up and down levels easily.
Gungnir Spartans – This is actually a reference to Odin’s spear which makes sense as these Spartans are long-range specialists. They can pack either the Plasma Launcher or the M319 Grenade Launcher. They obviously bring the boom with those options but additionally have rules like Stable and Guarded to make them excel at long range fire fights. But don’t be afraid to pick up a M6 Spartan Laser and do WORK with these Spartans.
CQB Spartans – Close Quarter Battle Spartans are exactly what you think they are. While shotguns and Spikers are deadly in close quarters nothing is quite as frightening as turning that corner only to have an Energy Sword or Grav Hammer coming down on your head. Get these Spartans loaded up with mobility options and watch the enemy sweat as the inevitability sets in and they get crushed (or sliced) back to respawn!
New Loadouts In Wave 2
If you want to get your hands on these loadouts you can find them all in the up coming War Games Expansion for Wave 2.
In the box is all the rules you need for the new loadouts. There’s new stat cards and gear to play around with. This one might be one of the more important pick-ups for Halo: Flashpoint aside from a starter. You can also get the new Spartan miniatures when Fireteam Cerberus launches in wave 2.
Currently, the Wave 2 Halo: Flashpoint contents are up for Pre-order from Mantic’s website. Wave 2 is slated to ship out on March 20th so you’ve still got time to get in on the action!