Necromunda: The Ash Waste Nomads Are Coming For A Fight

This week we’re seeing the Ash Waste Nomads in the spotlight. It’s a new book, new miniatures, and new rules for Necromunda!
The mysterious Ash Waste Nomads were added to Necromunda when the setting really expanded outside of the Hive. Now, we’re getting the new Tribes of the Wasteland expansion book as well as a bunch of cool Ash Waste Nomads miniatures and upgrades, too.
Today, GW is showcasing some of the rules we’ll find in the book as well. Personally, I’m curious about those rules as well as the background of these various tribes of the wastelands. So let’s dive in!
“The book opens with a wealth of new lore presented as extracts from three of the greatest works ever compiled about the Ash Waste Nomads: On the Subjekt of the Nomade, Apocrypha Necromundus Addendum IX, and Tales around the Gunk Tank. These cover a broad range of topics from the first appearances of nomads on Necromunda, their strange technology resembling Dark Age weaponry, and the menagerie of local fauna used in battle.”
Ash Waste Nomads – The Tribes Arrive
Not only are we getting a bunch of new lore we’re also learning that these Ash Waste Nomads aren’t just one thing out in the wastes. There’s actually many different tribes. In the book, we’ll get to choose from four particular tribes and those tribes have “a distinct group of six Warrior Spirits” that will be useful in battle.
Leaders and Champions will be able to invoke these various sprits during battle. We’ll have to wait and see what other sorts of shenanigans the Ash Waste Nomads will be able to get up to.
There’s also going to be two new scenarios for the Ash Waste Nomads specifically to use. One is a raid on a a convoy passing through their territory. The other is a hunt for native fauna. Both of which are common happenings for the various Ash Waste Nomad tribes.
New Miniatures and Upgrades
Also shown off this weekend are more looks at the upcoming miniatures for the Ash Waste Nomads. There’s the new Sha’dar Hunters coming soon. There’s also a new upgrade pack full of alternate heads, weapons and other doodads for the Nomads.
These will really help fill out your options for the Ash Waste Nomads. I do like the customization options and the new/extra weapons that will be added to them as well.
I’m looking forward to this book. The Ash Wastes Nomads are still a very big mystery. Unfortunately, I doubt the book will answer all of our questions. I have a funny feeling that we’ll get some answers but we’ll collectively end up with even more questions afterwards.
What is under those masks?!