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Necromunda: Two New ‘Abyssal Ferrymen’ Miniatures Guide Your Gang To The Underhells

2 Minute Read
Mar 17 2025

It’s time to ride to the Underhells once more. With two more Abyssal Ferrymen to lead the way you’ll be sure to make it back in Necromunda.

Necromunda is already a dangerous place. The hive spires are full of gangs, houses, and politics that can turn deadly at the drop of a hat. Outside the spires are a wasteland of dust and ash — and also tribes of Nomads that want to raid your caravans. And then there’s the hidden places like the Underhells. Once you’re inside…well, good luck because there’s worse things down there than you can imagine. But just getting to them can get your killed.  To get inside, well, you’re going to need a guide.

via Warhammer Community

That’s why gangs will hire crews of enterprising Abyssal Ferrymen to lead them to Secundus… and who is that waiting amid the bustle of Port Styx? Why, it’s an infamous pair of skilled chaperones – Hagthor Jarlun and Aster Felsturn.

Abyssal Ferrymen – Hagthor & Aster

Hagthor is actually an Ironhead Squat prospector turned Ferrymen. He actually survived the destruction of Hive Secundus to begin with. He’s clearly got some luck on his side.

His partner is Aster Felstrun. She’s got quite the story as well:

“[Hagthor]  first stumbled across the tenacious Aster on one of his many expeditions into the ruined Hive. Outnumbered and outgunned, he watched from afar as Aster fought off a dozen Brood Scum with nothing but a jack wrench and a desire to survive.”


From there he approached her back at Port Styx where he made an offer to partner up. They work well together as Hagthor makes sure they don’t over extend while Aster drums up some riskier contracts to pay the bills.

Aster also has some unique talents. Her armor rigged dubbed “Harpy” has been constantly tinkered with due to her Endless Innovation.

This pair is a unique set of allies if you want to go exploring into the Underhells. With them around your gang just might make it back to be able to sell some of that techno-junk you find down there…



Safety NOT guaranteed.

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Games Workshop Pre-Orders: Ash Waste Nomads of Necromunda Weekend