Star Wars: Saw Gererra Made a “Transport” an Instant Classic – The U-wing Breakdown

Saw Gererra played a pivotal role in the early rebellion. Even his customized ship transformed the Galactic Civil War. This is the U-wing breakdown.
Saw Gererra is, in many ways, an emblem of what it means to give yourself to the fight for freedom. Afflicted by deep, personal loss, he was willing to give it all for the cause of galactic liberation. He embodied Onderonian resilience. And, as is often the case with the heroes and villains of the galaxy, he had a custom starfighter that shared in his exploits.
In this case it was a UT-60D U-wing Starfighter, fitted with eletronic warfare equipment and painted in the black and white color scheme of Gererra’s Partizans. The U-wing in general was a ship that played a pivotal role in the Galactic Civil War, particularly for the early rebellion.
During height of the Galactic Civil War, in the run up to the Battle of Yavin a U-wing changed the course of the Battle of Scarif. It’s fair to say that without the U-wing, the Alliance would have lost the war.
But how did this craft come to be? As fate would have it, the U-wing was the very last design produced by the Incom Corporation before the Empire nationalized it.
U-Wing Design
The U-wing was built to be a dual-role starfighter and troop transport/gunship. As a result, the designers had to make it flexible. Two wing-like S-foils fit around the hull that could swivel to fit forward or backward-facing depending on what the ship needed.
Apart from just aesthetics, the moving S-foils serve a practical purpose in combat. Backward-facing S-foils were used for flight—giving the ship’s deflector shields an excess coverage envelope, as well as helping to radiate excessive heat from the engine’s core. But when flying in atmosphere, the forward-position gave the ship more maneuverability.
As far as armament goes, U-wings carried a pair of fixed-position Taim & Bak KX7 laser cannons. These cannons, collectively, were powerful enough to penetrate the shielding and armor of a light cruiser. But the power structure needed for the cannons means that the U-wing has little armament for supporting troop landings.
But, Republic troopers are nothing, if not resourceful. They often retrofitted the loading doors, turning them into gun ports capable of mounting any infantry-based eavy weapon. Most often it was the “Roba” M-45 repeating ion blaster.
The ship carried four 4j.4 fusial thrust engines, as well as four Incom GBk-585 hyperdrive motivators. This gave it a pleasantly symmetrical engine housing. In addition, the U-wing’s shielding, armor, and hold full of passengers allowed it to function like a swifter repulsorlift craft for rapid strikes and deployment.
History of the UT-60D
As mentioned, the UT-60D was one of the last ships to be produced by Incom. As a result, it never saw a full production run. But a “lost” shipment of U-wings ended up in the hands of the Rebel Alliance. Thanks to one senator Bail Organa. Which meant that the UT-60D was there at the earliest days of the Alliance. The Rebel Alliance had a use for the craft, as did Saw Gerrera, who had their own U-wing which they used to great effect.
The Lothal resistance group also had a U-wing, though theirs was an older model without working hyperdrive. Around 0 BBY, the UT-60D played a pivotal role in the extraction of Jyn Erso from Wobani.
Bravo One, piloted by K-2S0, brought Erso to the Rebel Alliance’s main base on Yavin 4 to meet with Mon Mothma.
And during the battle of Scarif, Blue Squadron’s U-wings made it through the Shield Gate protecting the planet. A U-wing piloted by Laren Joma and Taslet Colb provided air cover for Rebel round forces. It disabled a squadron of AT-ACTs as well. And though the U-wing was ultimately shot-down, the UT-60D enabled Rebel Ground forces to breach the compound and capture the plans for the Death Star.
Without the U-wing, Yavin 4 would have been destroyed.
May the Force be with you!