Warhammer 40K: Chaos Cult Legion Codexes – What Deamons Are We Getting?

Goatboy here to talk all about what Daemons GW will put into the upcoming Cult Legion Codexes – and what they won’t.
It’s time to chat about the upcoming Cult Legion Codexes and most likely what Daemons are going to show up. I also want to chat a bit about what I feel might happen with the combo detachment that might show up in each book. We’ll see if my crystal ball is spot on.
We have seen what the Emperor’s Children Codex is like with their Chaos Daemon friends and it should be pretty easy to figure out what will show up in each cult books. It appears to be the 2 Greater Daemons – regular and character. Then you have the basic Battleline choice (or 3 choices for Tzeentch), their 3+ wound Elite choice, and then something extra that matches with the army – probably the beast equivalent. There isn’t any push to put in “mini” leaders in Emperor’s Children and I expect that to show up in the same way for each cult book even if they have a nice plastic model.
World Eaters Daemons
Let’s look at Khorne and how they would most likely roll out. It would be pretty easy to see the current Bloodthister and Skarbrand for their leader options. You would then have Bloodletters as your Battleline choice. You would get the current Elite choice with the Bloodcrushers and then extra choice of Flesh Hounds for the final “wildcard” piece. This would make for a pretty simple set up of extra “options” for World Eaters and fill in a few holes with extra fast moving options that aren’t just Chaos Spawn or whatever new things are coming.
Thousand Sons Daemons
The weird one in this batch would be the Thousand Sons as while it is cool to add in Tzeetnch stuff it just doesn’t feel as “connected” as some of the other armies Daemon allies. You would of course have the two big Birds on the leader side of things, counting Fateweaver. You would then have the Russian Doll-like Battleline choice with the Pink, Blue, & Brimstone horrors. You might end up just having one unit and no longer getting access to Blue Horrors as a separate choice. From there you would just have the Screamers as the fast little option and most likely Flamers of Tzeentch as the extra special choice. The big question of course would be the Changling as they are very important in all the fluff and storylines whenever Thousand Sons were causing headaches for the Imperium.
Death Guard Daemons
The Death Guard feels like the army that could easily combo up with their Daemon friends. The idea that the plague is coming to town fits with the cloud of flies that come when the stinky armored bois of Mortarion are coming to your planet. You would of course have both big boys in the GUO and Rotigus. The Plague Bearers fit well next to the Plague Marines. Your two extra things are the Plague Flies and Beast of Nurgle as a fun little option to go hold an objective down. The one question of course is are Nurglings coming or going but I bet they show up as an easy “option” to have within the Death Guard. I just hope they stay OC 0.
Cult Legion Combo Detachments
The three combo armies we’ll most likely see all should match up with the “missions” of the main Cult armies with just the added bonus of Daemons and Marines helping each other.
World Eaters Combo Detachment
For Khorne one I expect it deals with Blood and some kind of points system to deal with sad blood gathering. That seems to be what they have done with the Age of Sigmar stuff and I bet they continue it on with the 40K counterpart. Just some way to push some rules on the whole slew of Khorne friends on the field with either some kind of stacking thing or system to spend those points on. This is the one I want to look at the most as a player that has a ton of Bloodcrushers sitting around sad at the house as well as a plethora of Bloodthirsters.
Thousand Sons Combo Detachment
The Tzeentch one should do something stacking, based on whatever new rules they have for the Cabal point system they are replacing. This would either let the Daemons do the same sort of thing as the Thousand Sons or do something that boosts that option. It could just be Daemons have a different power ability that shifts from what the Thousand Sons do but would rather see something that forces friends to close to each other to help each other out.
Death Guard Combo Detachment
The Death Guard I bet has some kind of combo option with the Contagion abilities or something like stacking two different plagues on top of each other. This would happen when you have both types of units near the enemy in some way.
Are you excited about the cults coming soonish? Are you ready to stop playing the same detachments for your bad guys and maybe finding a new way to play? Are you like me and have lost your Plaguebearers in the piles of miniatures and can only find 9 of them?