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Warhammer 40K: Daemon Units Likely To Be Pulled From Chaos Cult Codexes

4 Minute Read
Mar 4 2025

Chaos is changing and the Chaos Space Marine Cult Codexes are cutting ties with Daemon Allies. Well, not all of them.

Last week Games Workshop dropped info on the Emperor’s Children and their ability to take Daemon units as allies via a Detachment. We covered that and also touched on the topic that we’re hitting today.

The fact is that the other Chaos Space Marine Cult codexes are on the way and they are about to get a similar treatment. That said, I wanted to spend some time and try and figure out what units will be cut and which ones will likely stick around.

via Warhammer Community

Better still, the new Codex: Emperor’s Children contains full datasheets for all of the daemons you’ll need: Daemonettes, Fiends, Seekers, the Keeper of Secrets and Shalaxi Helbane.*

* Expect to see the other Heretic Astartes Legions get the same treatment.

The “same treatment” to me means a new Detachment will be coming for each codex with a truncated list of Daemon Units. So let’s go through them each and see if we can’t sort this out.

World Eaters


Starting off with the World Eaters, I’m basing this list on the units that GW kept around for the Emperor’s Children. The Khorne Daemons have a fairly close 1:1 replacement list with the Slaanesh ones. So here’s the units I think will be safe:

  • Bloodletters
  • Flesh Hounds
  • Bloodcrushers
  • Bloodthirster
  • Skarbrand

I’m betting most of the other character units are out. No Heralds, no Karanak, and no Skull Cannons. I also wonder if the Bloodthirster will get truncated down to a “generic” option with the weapon options becoming just that — different options you can take.

Death Guard

I think the Death Guard are on a similar track. Honestly, I’d rather have Sloppity Bilepiper over Rotigus…but mostly because his name is more fun to say. But once again, we’ve got some pretty close 1:1 replacements.

  • Plaguebearers
  • Nurglings
  • Plague Drones / Beasts of Nurgle
  • Great Unclean One
  • Rotigus

I’m also torn between Beasts of Nurgle and the Plague Drones. I could see either option being included…but I could also see GW cutting one or both to be honest. The point is I don’t think both units are going to end up in the Allies Detachment. I also wouldn’t bank on any of the named characters beyond Rotigus — and that’s only because he’s made from the GUO Kit. I’d also be shocked if Horticulous Slimux makes the cut, too.


Thousand Sons


The Thousand Sons are a weird one. The main reason is the Tzaangors are a bit of a curveball. GW has that upgrade kit for them to make them 40k version appropriate with the chainswords and autopistols. Plus they used to be in a combat patrol…

Anyhow, here’s the units I’d expect to make the cut:

  • Tzaangors
  • Horrors (Pink, Blue and Brimstone)
  • Flamers of Tzeentch
  • Screamers of Tzeentch
  • Lord of Change
  • Kairos Fateweaver

Again, those Tzaangors are a bit of a curveball. I actually do think they will stick around only because they help flesh out the codex beyond Rubric Marines. The rest of the Tzeentch Daemons will probably get moved out of any Detachment. I also am on the fence about both the Flamers and Screamers of Tzeentch. Perhaps GW is trying to move away from the Screamers in general. I wouldn’t be shocked if they (the Screamers) get removed and the Flamers stick around. But you can count on the heralds and the chariot-like units getting pulled.

Chaos Daemons Forever?

Just to reiterate it’s not ALL doom and gloom. The Daemon units are still currently usable in an Index and they have the Grotmas Detachments to use. So I don’t think Chaos Daemons are going away. It’s just their ability to be part of their respective Chaos Space Marine Cult Codexes.



One thing you can count on about chaos: It’s always changing.

Author: Adam Harrison
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