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Warhammer 40K: Hot Mess – Plastic Daemons Gone, Resin Still Legal, WHY?

4 Minute Read
Mar 20 2025

Goatboy here to figure out whats up with the confusing hot mess of missing plastic and legal resin Daemons minis in 40K.

The new Daemon Index left us with some models getting dropped and others left in their really ugly Resin state.  It is such a weird update in that plastic models still used in other games are left out of the Index while other really old models keep being a pain to get in the current 40K.  Let’s jump into this hot mess and talk about why GW shouldn’t have just erased some models.

I don’t care what anyone says – Legends is not the way to keep models useful.  If it isn’t usable in a normal competitive game of 40K it won’t be used.  It is just a pain in the butt and makes you feel sad you invest some time and money into a miniature that will just gain dust on your shelf.  This is doubly frustrating when its a nice and perfectly good looking modern plastic model, that isn’t some kind of gross looking Resin monstrosity from 15+ years ago.

Goodbye Slaanesh Chariots

The Slaanesh Chariots going away is frustrating when you look at the nerfs the army got at the same time.  It is one thing if the army kept at least some of its broken rules but now you’ve lost rules, lost models, and lost any agency in trying to get the army to work.  It was fine if you had all the pieces already painted from years of frantic collecting but if you had just tried to jump on this build in the last few months you aren’t now left with a bunch of spikey models you can’t really use.  It feels kinda crappy.

Karanak was Such a Good Boy!

Look at Karanak going away too!  This is a really neat little plastic models that came in a Combat Patrol for Khorne Daemons that is no longer usable. It isn’t like it is an older plastic model like the Slaanesh Chariots.  It was only a few years old, matched the current updated Khorne dogs, and looked  awesome.  Why did he have to go away?  What kind of broken nonsense did his rules present that the GW Design Studio thought he shouldn’t live in an updated index?

Epidemius Lives – Why!?

Also – why is Epidemus a model that is still in the game?  Have you seen his picture in the index?  Do you know how old that weird model is? He made an appearance in 2008, so he’s at least 17 years old.  I think I have one somewhere the is the original pewter build that was you slapping 4 sides to create a chair with gaps and a gross little Plague Bearer trying to ride dirty on top of this chair.  It is an ugly model that doesn’t really fit the game and is something I thought would have easily been kicked to the curb.


Blue Scribes, Still Writing…

Along this same line is the Blue Scribes which is another weird Resin model that doesn’t fit in the current design aesthetics of Tzeentch Warhammer.  They ride a weird fat Screamer and whose rules really depend on how cheap they are and what kind of lone Operative nonsense they can abuse.  It is a weird model and something I could have sworn would have gone away whenever the index was initially redone.

It just feels weird to lose so many interesting things and keep some of these old models in the same update.  I know we won’t get a new codex and most likely each Cult book will have limited daemon options but it still feels sad for those players who have a ton of this stuff painted.

What do you think?  What other models should have been kicked out, and who should have stayed in?


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