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Warhammer 40K: Kill Team – Blood and Zeal Up Close

4 Minute Read
Mar 22 2025

We’ve got the new Kill Team boxed set Blood and Zeal in the studio. Time to take an up close look at these miniatures.

Kill Team’s new boxed set is coming to pre-order and it’s got a full on holy war happening inside. It’s the new Sanctifiers vs the Goremongers and we’ve got the miniatures built and ready for their close-ups!

It’s a smaller box like the last Kill Team combo Brutal and Cunnin. But that’s okay. It’s packed with the good stuff: Miniatures!

There’s also the mission pack and other goodies aside from just the sprues. But let’s tear into those miniatures!


The Sanctifiers Kill Team represents the human cultists followers of the Emperor really well. We’ve got the missionaries and preachers ready to fight for their faith against terrible odds. Plus a couple of cool and unique specialist to really even the odds.



There’s also lots of extra bits within the kits to swap things around. So you’ve got some room to customize these miniatures further. The other specialists can be built from the more basic missionaries. It’s really up to you.

While this isn’t a Kill Team I see myself playing I think it’s one that’s going to earn some respect on the tabletop. You might not like their faith-powers, but you shouldn’t underestimate them either. They may look like untrained zealots with guns…but they are packing more firepower than you might expect. Plus, they have faith on their side.


If you ever thought “hey, what if a bunch of humans saw a Bloodletter and wanted to become one” well…this Kill Team is the answer! The Goremongers have some very heavy Bloodletter influences going on. Their weapons and leg enhancements are dead giveaways. But there’s also the skull taking in case you hadn’t figure out who they worshipped yet.



I wasn’t really expecting Khorne to need another set of crazy cultists with oversized chain weapons but here we are. I’m not complaining by any means! Maybe it’s just more competition to reap those skulls for Khorne.

They are pretty deadly up close which shouldn’t be a surprise based on how they look. What’s more concerning is the fact that they can close the gap with more than just movement. So watch out for these guys. If they get close enough to take your Kill Team’s heads, they just might do it!


Will your faith and zeal win the day? But to which god will you spill blood for?

Author: Adam Harrison
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