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Warhammer 40K: Kill Team – Sanctifiers Rule Preview Showcases The Flames & Faith

4 Minute Read
Mar 20 2025

Games Workshop is showcasing some of the rules of the Sanctifiers coming in Wahammer 40,000: Kill Team. It’s time for fire and faith!

Looking at the Sanctifiers, my first thought was that there’s no way this Kill Team is going to stand a chance. It’s just a bunch of fanatics charging into battle. Are these folks even trained to fight!? Turns out that yes, they are fanatics and they are also trained to fight. And if that’s not enough they’ve got the power of faith to help them, too. Oh, and don’t discount the specialists they have tagging along. They have some tricks up their holier-than-thou sleeves…

via Warhammer Community

“The Adeptus Ministorum has a long history of militant missionaries across the galaxy, joining Imperial military operations to first-hand combat experience. This provides their front-line operatives with an impressively diverse arsenal, complementing their customary hand flamers and chain weapons with a meltagun, a plasma gun, or a Ministorum flamer wielded by their two Missionary operatives.”

Sanctifier Kill Team

Kicking things off, we’ve got a look a the Preachers in the Kill Team. You’ll be able to take up to four of them at a time. This kit is also versatile in that you can build alternate versions of many of the operatives inside.

“The Drill Abbot, Persecutor, Conflagrator and Reliquant can all be assembled as Preachers, with head options to personalise your little fanatics.”

It’s also worth noting that all of these kits have little call-backs to the old metal range. Here’s a few examples:


I think the paint job helps to highlight the similarities here. It’s the cloaks and the books that really tie them together.

The Confessors is clearly a call back to Confessor Kyrinov. Or maybe it’s just the robes, big hat, and mace — all signs of the office.

The Drill Abbot is a bit of a deep cut. He’s a nod to Preacher Josef from the 54mm Inquisitor game. There are some 1:1 features that got brought in — impressive!


In battle, the Confessor can orate a Sermon and those within range can shrug off damage. The Salvationist is also about keeping their friends in the fight, too. They have a medkit and a conversion field generator handy.

Miraculist Brings The Heat

Another strange and powerful member of the faithful is the Miraculist. This vessel of the Emperor’s divine power can unleash a blast of holy energy once per game that can really do a number on the enemy.

“This burning light, like many of the team’s flame weapons, inflicts a special Blaze effect on their targets on a Critical Success. Unique to the Sanctifier kill team, this ongoing malady causes operatives to take extra damage whenever they are activated, with opponents needing to either spend an Action Point to put the flames out or gamble that they’ll go out on their own.”



However you slice it, this Kill Team is a lot more aggressive that they first let on. They want to close the gap and blast away at close range. Positioning is going to be the key to victory for the Sanctifiers. That and you gotta believe!


Kill Team: Blood And Zeal is up for pre-order this weekend!

Author: Adam Harrison
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